Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting Better (Lennon/McCartney)

When I decided to use Beatles songs to title my postings this month I figured since there are so many in their catalog I would attempt to post daily. It's more challenging than I thought it would be, but I press on. What's up? Rob sent me a cryptic email a short while ago that he has a check in his possession, that's all I know. Not sure how much it's for, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

The boys are doing swimming lessons at the Imlay City Pool this week and next. Unfortunately it has been a little chilly but not too terrible for them when they are in the water. I sit poolside in pants and a shirt, but no jacket. A friend from Seeds of Faith Co-op has her daughter in the class after ours so we have a few minutes to chat during the change-over. Cheryl and I have a kindred connection in that our husbands are of similar mind-sets in many areas and we've faced similar challenges job and family wise. It's always nice when you know other people are dealing with the same 'spiritual growth' opportunities that you do, makes you feel you're not alone in this big crazy, jumbled up world of ours.

Work wise for me I am getting ready to start writing more TVonDVD entries but unfortunately my home greening and decluttering efforts are not being carried out as effectively as I'd like but with the boys around everyday it's really pointless to even hope for a total decluttered state. We'll get there eventually (like in ten years when they've all moved out!). The main task at hand lately is to get everyone in the house to understand the concept of picking up after themselves! I wake up in the morning, come out of my room, and I know exactly what everyone did by the trail they've left behind. Anybody relate, can I get an Amen!? Fox has made the most improvement but we're all still in training.

Recycling efforts are still going well, although I have been rescuing items from the trash again lately and I gave up on the small compostable paper separating, instead just throwing them in with regular recycleable paper. Also, I am feeling good about the miles of walking and biking that I'm starting to log for the summer. When I was staying at my mom's I took her bike out and got a couple really good rides in, probably up to nearly 40 miles riding so far, maybe 15 walking. Tomorrow the boys and I are hoping to check out another section of the Clinton River Trail if the weather cooperates.

Chin Up Peoples & have a Terrific Tuesday!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I've gotten out of the habit of commenting - look how lazy summer has made Lisa! LOL

I miss the swim lessons!