Thursday, August 27, 2009

in my defense *

I just wanted to present a quick defense about my recent obessession with the 24 series. Since about April we have not had any television in the house AT ALL. So we do not watch any regular programming the only stuff we watch are shows on dvd from Netflix. The fact that I have nothing else to watch has probably compounded my attraction to it. I suppose there are worse things I could watch, trust me I know, I write the description of tv shows on dvd for income. Lately I have been investigating getting Dish Network installed but I'm just not ready to take on more expenses right now, soon though, soon.

Getting a jump on the Friday Fill-In

1. I remember when life was less complicated.
2. Dear Brother, I want you to know you never cease to amaze me.
3. Is that my problem?
4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of stopping and buying a fountain drink since I already bought a coffee earlier.
5. I'm saving a seat just for you.
6. If I made a birthday list a new laptop would definately be on it!
7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having a LOT of writing work done, tomorrow my plans include hopefully going to cousin Sarah's BBQ, and Sunday, I want to finish the bulletin board at church.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

gettin' ready <3

Getting things together before back to school. The boys got haircuts today and I got some highlights and a boost on my color. Tomorrow all the kids have dentists appointments. Yesterday we took Jake to the groomer and now he looks and smells fabulous! You can see his 'I'm with stupid' arrow better now.
In between writing entries I am following in the obsessive fangirl footsteps of my friend Lisa and working my way through Keifer Sutherland's body of work. Last night I watched a Walt Disney production of 'The Three Musketeers' with Keifer, Charlie Sheen, Chris O'Donnell, and Oliver Platt (who I think should get a part on 24), they were all probably in their late twenties, just barely thirty when it was made. Wow.
Request for transcripts has been dropped off at the NBHS counselor's office and we got a few tips on financial aid from the secretary. Hopefully we'll get word soon but in the meantime Alex is going to start working on to look for more scholarship money. She also needs to get her book for an Intro to Philosophy class at Mott Community College that starts the same week regular school starts.
Fox's Junior High Orientation is tomorrow evening.
Last night I took Ben to soccer practice over by the Imlay City schools and got the notion to sign up for substituting in that district as well. They go through the same company that North Branch does and I've already been fingerprinted and am registered to sub so the process should go pretty quickly. Hopefully between the two places I can get 2-3 days a week fairly regularly. I also discovered a new company (well, new to me) called Comfort Keepers that does non-medical care for the elderly. I grabbed a business card, the owner wasn't around when I was there but I have it on my list to call and see if he needs help. Possibly I could do that on a part-time basis as well.

Don't forget to run between the raindrops today!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook \-/

For Today:
August 24, 2009

Outside my window...
Sunny, a bit cooler, grass is a little long in places, chickens are roaming around cheerfully, tall flowers have fallen, coloring the ground in patches of pink and yellow.

I am thinking...
there is still a lot of decluttering to do around here and I'm looking forward to having Rob home for a long weekend this week.

From the learning rooms...
the kids found an injured bird this morning and have gathered some information from the library to try and nurse it back to health. We've helped an abandoned bird get back to its mother before but never had success with an injury.

I am thankful for...
having a new/used dryer again, kids that are happy school is starting soon, new work opportunities.

From the kitchen...
just watermelon for now.

I am reading...
"Go Green & Get Rich", "Always Looking Up," "The Marriage Benefit," and "Meditations from the Mat."

I am hoping...
the kids get over this summer cough quickly.

I am creating...
a list of to-do things in my head.

I am hearing...
a surprisingly quiet library.

Around the house...
hoping to pull down the bad section of ceiling in the living room now that the roof is repaired from the outside.

One of my favorite things...
sleeping in front of my open window and hearing the sound of birds, a gentle breeze, and the smells of summer's end wafting in as I begin to wake.

A few plans for the rest of the week....
gymnastics practice, soccer practice, high school orientation, junior high orientation, dentist appointments, hair cuts for the boys, new hair color for me, new tires on the Neon, writing work, house stuff.

A picture thought I'm sharing with you:

Friday, August 21, 2009

picture thought [ ]

got a dryer!

the lovebirds have made ammends.

working on organizing school clothes for the boys

creating a new bulletin board @ church

Thursday, August 20, 2009

rollin' right along ....

This week things have mellowed out a bit, each morning I awoke and headed up to the North Branch Library to get there when it opens at 9am to work on the computer. If I get there early the girls can top up my time without me having to log off the computer and get back on another one so I can work for a solid two hours. I have enough entries pulled for a batch, now I can work on writing them from home.

Still working on the timing of line drying. Last night I jumped out of bed when I heard raindrops on the sky light and ran out in the dark with a flashlight to pull the not-quite-dry clothes and towels off the line. It didn't end up raining to much but the wind really picked up and I didn't want everything to end up in the pond and all over the yard. This morning it was clear so everything got put back out. I enjoy line drying but am not so big a fan of 'crunchy' towels. I've never used fabric softener in the was cycle but I'm curious if that would help.

As I post Alexandra is sitting at a terminal near me filling out her application for Grand Valley State online. It is quite a lengthy process but we're happy to be getting the ball rolling. It says in their information that they will give you a response within three weeks of receiving your application. Of course, we still have to notify the high school to send her transcripts over there so I'll have to take that into consideration.

Fox and I have been having many conversation about his academic future and I am happy that he is already thinking ahead. We even discussed the possibility of 'fast-tracking' high school. By that I mean duel enrolling starting junior year and also taking college courses during the summer for duel credit. If he can get done in three years he's interested in attending film school for a year, then going on to a four-year program for engineering possibly. Just talking about it gets me fired up, I'm excited for the opportunities that will come his way. He is a great kid and very determined to be a successful entrepreneur in whatever field he decides to specialize in. He figures the less time he has to spend in high school, the better.

Benjamin had his first soccer practice on Tuesday and got his super-cool uniform. While he was at practice I attended a referee meeting. I'll only do U8 and U6 this year, from what the other attendees where talking about I guess it gets pretty intense at the U10 level especially.

Since I probably won't be online tomorrow here is my Friday Fill-In:

1. When will my ship come in?

2. Mutant Message Down Under was a book that really impacted me.

3. Everything has its beauty but rainbows always amaze me.

4. Apple Cinnamon Pancakes is what I had for breakfast.

5. I'd like your attitude.

6. Not exactly sure where I want to be right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing Jeff Foxworthy at Pine Knob, tomorrow my plans include hopefully mowing the lawn, getting a new/used appliance or two from the Habitat for Humanity Store and Sunday, I want to vegitate!

Monday, August 17, 2009

a quick review <---

Well, it has been a very odd week indeed. Last Saturday we attended a rather rainy family reunion. We still had a decent turnout but the activities were limited. I snuck out for a quick walk and scared a couple does and a mama deer, can you see them under the sign? I really need to get a new camera that zooms in better.

Late Saturday night we lost power and didn't get it back until Tuesday night. Thankfully you don't need electricity to declutter so I still managed to get my office cleaned up.

Tuesday I helped at Vacation Bible School, although there really wasn't much for me to do but it was fun to see the kids having fun.

Wednesday night I headed down to Livonia to go to a screening and meet with (or so I thought) a woman about editing a screenplay. Since Rob works right near there he met me at my Dad's, which was right around the corner from the library, to accompany me. When I got there the chick got weird about having 2 people on the comp. list and wanted us to pay for Rob. The whole situation was strange, she didn't even take time to talk to me when I brought writing samples and was there to offer my services for free. They couldn't even get the equipment working properly. After some discussion Rob and I left and went to get nachoes at Max & Erma's. Afterward we stopped back by my Dad's, had a quick cup of coffee, got Rob's car then I followed him over to the shop.

I had never been there before. The place is huge and Bill's collection of old slot machines were very cool. After the tour I checked some things online since I can't get on at home due to the modem on my computer getting fried. Then I called to check in with Alex and was met with a very sad and tearful girl. Apparently the boy "broke up" with her, right after they picked up their promise rings, even, how timely.

Rob spent the weekend checking things over and fixing what he could, taking a break out with the boys to blow a few things up. Now that's the way boys loosen up.

And me I am now officially a line dryer. I threated to put up a clothes line since the beginning of summer but now since the dryer got fired I had to get active.

So that's what's up with me. If anyone has a lead on a Free or Cheap electric stove, dryer, or laptop please let me know.
Ciao for now!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

little bump -^-

Late Saturday night during the crazy lightening storm we lost power at the house. It still has not been restored. The boys are all with the grandparents camping in Sandusky, Rob is down in Westland so it's just me and Alex toughing it out. The trucks are at the house now hopefully we'll be up and running by the time I return tonight.

Finished 24: Season 7 before the power gave out, sort of disappointing compared to other seasons. This was the Boo Hoo year, lots of crying and whinning. I did NOT like the woman president at all. Not that Cherry Jones didn't so well with the part I just didn't like the way they wrote her situations. There was actually one point when I said out loud (on behave of Jack) "Women!" because he had to keep giving in to their demands even though they weren't neccesarily making the right decision and he was technically under their authority.

Anyway, time to run, Alex has a hair appointment in preparation for Senior pictures, then I'm helping at Vacation Bible School this evening. There have been other things happening too but I'm just not in the mood to go over it all at the moment. I'll just sum it up as teen love - it's a challenge.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Steady as she goes ---

1. Campfires & fresh cut grass are my favorite summertime aromas.
2. My favorite John Hughes movies are ‘Mr. Mom,’ ‘Breakfast Club,’ and ‘Weird Science.’
3. A rose petal is something I love to touch.
4. The full moon has been so bright that last couple nights.
5. Let’s be nicer to each other right now.
6. When daylight fades slumber begins.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dropping Ethan off at his first sleepover birthday party, tomorrow my plans include a Parton Family Reunion and Sunday, is Alexandra’s 17th birthday!

Yesterday evening we attended the last free concert by my mom's house. It was fabulous as expected, and for an extra bonus my Aunt Denise showed up with her two grandbabies, Fabien & Dale (his real name is James but they call him Dale). The boys had a great time playing with balloons and we all got a kick out of watching two little girls dance their hearts out, oh if only we still had that abandoned, to just dance and not care who is watching. This time I tried to take some snaps of all the different dogs that people brought with them, such a variety, I barely scratched the surface.
Before dinner I took a quick ride on the bike as I usually do when I'm over there, manned with my camera, went by the abandoned mansion again but drat, this time things were locked up tight. I did however take a picture of where Fox is hoping to go to high school, Grosse Pointe South, isn't it a beautiful structure, looks like a college!

Other highlights from the week:

getting my office almost completely organized

a motherload of fresh bush beans ripe for pickin'

several successful spelling lessons

going a few rounds with the teenager

working on getting Senior pictures scheduled

following up on a lead to edit a screeplay

Have a great weekend everybody!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Forging ahead -->

Wow! August already, I can hardly believe it but yet here we are. This morning Alexandra had a very pleasing orthodontist appointment; she is in the final stages and will be starting the removal process probably in the next two appointments. Woot! Next week Fox and Ben go in for their consultations, woot.

Lately I have so many ideas running through my head about what I want to do with my future, some good, some close to impossible, but I have this searing notion that I need to make some sort of decision, but then there's this other 'voice' telling me, "hang tight, it's not the time to make a move yet, something's coming just wait and be ready." Anybody ever get that, or is it just me?
So, what do I do in the meantime, get ready! Starting with my project of the day (and probably the week) dealing with the ........

and starting some 'get ahead' spelling assignments with Ben and Ethan, working with Explode-the-Code materials and spelling worksheets Mrs. Bodnar sent home for me. Originally I was going to have my mom tutor them but instead we're going to forge ahead on our own and I'll just consult with her if we need help decifering a particular rule.

Wish me luck!

Imagining it and actually putting it down on paper are two different things.
Seeing it and it actually happening are few and far between.
Making things happen and having things happen are very different means.
Believing in and hoping for are one in the same.

~byn There