Monday, May 28, 2012


It was a beautiful morning as we headed to the station.  A brief train ride to Lansing for a day of adventure.  Grandpa Q met us at the station, I turned in Fox's tickets and off to our first stop, the Capitol Building, which was a buzz with activities for the Memorial weekend.  Since business does not stop for the tour we forged ahead through the building trying to hear what our tour guide was explaining. Inside the House it was quiet since they were in between sessions but still there was distraction as a few soldiers practiced their flag maneuvers on the floor below.  Amazing to think that all the walls are painted even though they look like marble or expensive woods, it's all plain pine that's been painstakingly painted.

Next we grabbed a quick breakfast then headed over the Impression 5 Hands-On Museum.  This is a very cool stop.  Since all the exhibits are set up through one huge open floor the boys were old enough to just let go to explore.  They could read directions and execute all of the experiments on their own so Dad and I wandered ourselves and got snap happy.  The drawers of leaf, seed, bug, and insect collections kept me occupied for quite a while along with the oil and iron mix contraption.  Ethan had fun at the pitching machine, checking his speed.  Ben spent his time building with Legos.  Giant bubble machines are always enjoyed by all. Grandpa Q I believe did a thorough investigation of it all.  Bought a couple books about wildflowers in the Gift Shop, a geyser top for the mentos and coke experiment, astronaut ice cream, and some erasers for our collection.
Although satisfactorily explored, the hands-in didn't take as much time as I thought it would so we were able to add an extra stop to the MSU Gardens to check out the 4H Children's Garden in particular.  There were about a half dozen employees out working diligently to get things ready for the busy season.  The ponds in particular were in great need of TLC.

We drifted on into the main gardens and into the green house that housed the indoor 4H garden.  That was unfortunately closed for a renovation but what before my wandering eyes should appear, the Curiosity Classroom was there. With everyone out working I had minute to peek in and drool.  What a fantastic resource at MSU, with learning extended through models, microscopes, mini collections, and marvels of nature all about.  I believe some of the 4H Discovery Days classes take place here, Ben is just old enough to be eligible.  Ethan will be next year.

From there we google mapped our way over to the Potter Park Zoo. First in, Granpda was jonesin' for a hot dog and the boys wanted one too, plus pops all around.  The food shack was just closing up and the kid gave us all a free hot dog that would have been thrown out. Woot! Bellies and thirst being satisfied we made our way through the zoo. There was an ostrich with eggs, an excellent bald eagle set up and a nest on display, caught the lion being fed jumping up like a big dog to catch the meat, but the owl wouldn't open its eyes for nothin. The tiger was pretty active, saw the penguins being fed, and one of the ostriches gave us a full open! It was an interesting little zoo although the dark metal bars are sort of a drag, especially when it comes to picture taking.  Overall they had a nice collection of animals.  We were going to take a camel ride but it was closed that day and we missed the baby tigers, by the time we made our way to the back where their habitat was they had already been "put to bed" for the night. :(  We'll have to stop back when we take Fox up for camp.

Another favorite discovery of the day for me was these fabulous recycled art pieces that were displayed throughout the zoo, made from bottle caps and tops!  Gorgeous!  Totally going to replicate this idea, kudos!!

For dinner we ate at Clara's Lansing Station in the train car, of course!  I had the Seafood Quiche, very tasty!  Wasn't so impressed with the Bruchetta.  Ben scraped away at a Nachos while dad and Ethan shared a Rueben.  Dessert took us to Anthony Hall for some famous MSU Dairy Store ice cream!  Ben and I had a fantastic mint sensation, Ethan went cookie dough, dad did chocolate I think.....?  It's all a blur I was in a yummy ice crean haze.  Dad dropped us at the train station and headed home.  The boys occupied themselves with soccer game with a pebble while I read some more of "Barnhart."  I crashed out on the ride back but I don't think the boys totally did.  Asked the conductor when we exited about bringing my bike on the train.  He said they do allow it but you have to make special arrangments and there may be an extra fee.  Everything we did on our adventure would have been totally bikable, we stayed within a 7 miles radius for all the activities.  That could be some fun.  I'd love to have my bike around Chicago too!

Before I headed to Lansing I hung out at the Lapeer Virtual Learning Center open house.  They had representatives from a few of the providers that are available for online classes there to explain how their programs work.  Plus you could test out some of the courses.  I liked aspects of both Aventa and Lincoln Interactive.  Curious if the middle school would consider doing the Spanish program for an elective.  A presentation overviewing the virtual options was given, streamlining the information that had been researched over the past few months. They've had a few families enroll already and several inquired about further conversation. We're hoping there is a slow and steady progress so that participants get the assistance they need to succeed. I've also had a couple opportunties arise to coordinate enrichment activities through several non-profit organizations in the area.  Very exciting, meetings coming up, will update as things are finalized.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fantasy Island

Baseball opener I did not bring my camera.  Ethan was relieved.  This is from game 4 I believe, at bat, playing first, and pitching!!  He is very excited about it, so far, so good.  Fox has completed his last track meet, got his best 2-mile time at Regionals, with an 11:38 and that was coming in dead last.  Not sure what his best 1-mile was since he didn't always run it.  I think it was 5:08 at the last invitational.  Got his letter of acceptance for the biodiesel program at MSU with summer. Woot!

Finally having a chance to get out and gussy up the gardens, felt inspired to begin a gramma garden expansion project.  I have four areas around a tree I'm developing, this one was started but never measured out fully to match the other squares.  I have many perenniels in another area that are from the garden at the house I grew up in.  When mother sold the house I grabbed several varieties but I wish I would have procured more knowing that the guy that bought the house let it all go and eventually made the area a patio!  All the plants that are in there now are from the Grosse Pointe house, and again I wish I would have pulled more because the current owners pulled all the flowers in the backyard, made one part a deck, and put in Arbor Vitea bushes as a fence, exactly like what mother pullled out originally! Ugh.

The little guys and I rode the rails into Lansing for a family adventure with Granpa Q.  Fox "teened" me and didn't end up making the trip although I had purchased a ticket for him!  When I say "check with your teachers and find out what's going on that day," I mean it.  Due to academic commitments it was not a good day to 'skip.'

But the rest of us had a great day in the capitol.......

.....details to follow soon.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Last weekend was counselor training out at Camp Lael and camper Open House.  It was a little soggy but stopped raining enough to take people on tours without much discomfort.  Ethan is signed up as a camper but Benjamin has chosen to sit this one out.  He could still change his mind, but he really wasn't into the cabin sleeping situation, although he enjoyed all the activities.  Fox will most likely be a counselor for the day camp but final placements haven't been made yet.
The goose couple has returned with four goslings again.  They are making themselves quite at home venturing up very near the house and settling in on the backyard grass during the day while it's quiet.  When the boys are all back home they hit the pond for a while then chill out "on the far end."  I don't mind having them other than the goose poop everywhere!  They'll move on soon enough.
The boys helped out Mother's Day to get up fencing for another field area the pigs can root about in.  They've pretty much demolished  it up near the barn.  I may even plant some late crops there once they head off to fair.  Next year I'll plant the whole area with veggies again.  I've taken about four years off from major gardening but it's time to get back into it and have some fresh foods more readily available plus extras to store for the cold months.  I'm starting to feel a resurge in my Earth connections.
Both Ben and Ethan have been good about getting out and taking care of the pigs although I do have to remind them.  There is a lot going on right now with school wrapping up, sports going on, and everyone having to be in different places almost every night.  Once school lets out in a couple weeks they will be spending more time "hanging out" with the hogs and training them more so they can handle them during showmanship.  Oddly the pigs are all very personable and I swear they even know their names.... 
Fox has seemed to hit a freshman plateau in his running.  He's holding on to the times he improved to but hasn't been able to break under into ther under 12 minute 2-mile.  Since the team is so young overall Fox has been invited to all the invitational meets, is at regionals as I type this, and has enough points for his track letter.  I doubt if he'll go to states, but there's one more invitational at Birch Run next week then he's done.
We've talked about him working with a trainer in the off season and he is definately interested. One of the girls that runs for North Branch knows a college runner on team at her school that is willing to work out with them during the summer.  The boys from cross country have also talked about getting together to run the water tower park or through Oakdale ponds and prairies during the summer too.  Found a couple cross country camps too, one at Grand Valley and another at Central but I'm not sure if we can work that in this summer with driver's training and the 4H Discovery Camp already in play.
Still didn't meet his goal of an under 12 minute 2-mile, close (12:03) but not quite there, maybe tonight at Regionals. Pictures got a little crazy once the sun went down a bit and the exposures started going weird on me but I thought effects were kinda fun.  So, no, it's not your eyes going bad... lol
Benjamin came with me to the Bad Axe meet and was curious about the different events and how it all worked since he is going to be running middle school track.  We've had many heated discussions about next school year.  Although it has yet to be put in print and signed by the both of us, the way it looks now is I'm going to let him continue on into NBMS but if a spot opens at Chatfield he'll shift immediately.  He is adament about not being in band again and is willing to DO ANYTHING if I let him not be in band!  Over this I am completely torn.  He's very good at it and it comes easily to him. On this point I've remained uncommitted until I see what other electives are being offered.  We also had a choice to make about soccer for next year.  Thankfully I've been asked to teach some classes at a local theater however, the days I need to teach will greatly conflict with the U14 game schedule, plus all games are an hour East, on the same days where cross country meets are an hour North. At little too much divide to conquer.  Ethan is not interested in playing next year and is going to concentrate on baseball and golf.  At this point it's agreed to let soccer go for the fall and all the boys will concentrate on cross country.  Depending on where things are at with track we'll look at doing a late add-in for spring.

Since the meet was taking so long, Ben and I, took a breather and went exploring the old cemetary across from the school.  One of the oldest stones we found was Born 1877- died 1906.

Ethan has been a real go-getter with his trophy, pen, and arena sponsorships, raising close to $800 with a few businesses still to confirm by early next week. Many people commented about his sales skills and presentation.  When I would take him to meet people he would wear a dress shirt and tie and most times his suit coat as well.  He's learned to open and close the conversation with a hand shake, explain his mission clearly, offer to leave the material for them and check back, ask who he should talk to when he comes back, follow up with people in person or by phone, stop back in to personally thank those that contributed if something was left for him.  It would be cool if next year he remember enough to keep track of the routine himself, he's seems to be understanding the concept and has no problem talking with people.  Plus he's still got that young boy cute factor working for him!  I should have took a picture with him in his suit, out selling.  Oh well, can't snap everything.

Last soccer game Saturday, with a team we're playing for the third time and already creamed the first two.....seriously? Who made the schedule?  Next week is the Lapeer Virtual Learning Center Open House which I've agreed to help with in some capacity although I'm not sure yet exactly what I'll be doing when I get there.  I have no idea what to expect as far as turnout.  I've been doing more subbing the last few months as well, just don't blog about it so much, mostly I've been in special ed rooms and some regular high school.  Next Thursday the boys are I will be heading out on the 6:45a Blue Water to Lansing for a capitol adventure with Grandpa Q.  We're going to do a capitol tour, check out Impressions Five Hands-On Museum, and peruse the Potter Park Zoo! After a yummy dinner we'll hop back on the 9:35p Blue Water back to Lapeer.  Then we'll all chill with a 4-day weekend!

Monday, May 07, 2012

Growing Pains

Pig Weigh-In was this past Saturday.  Needless to say things didn't go exactly as I had planned.  The thought was that we would coax the swine with feed to walk up a ramp of a couple boards into the back of the pick-up truck.  One was willing enough to do so but halfway up it started to slip and we couldn't keep it on the board to continue the journey.  So, I ended up picking up all the hogs, one of them twice because the gatekeepers failed me, and lifted them onto the truck.  Got them down to the Fairgrounds, timed it at a lull so we were in and out being that we just had them tagged but did not put them on the scale.  Getting them back off the truck was another adventure with poop and puke added into the fun.  In hindsight we should have used the long trailer but it's all over now.  I estimate them to be in the 80-90 pound range.

Also on Saturday was the Wild Lapeer event on the Chatfield School/Willows campus and the Ponds and Prairies of Oakdale.  We had a respectable turnout overall considering there was much going on that weekend, with a festival at Mott College and a carnival at the American Legion Hall which were on either side of us.  The boys helped with the 4H Project Clover booth and got considerable donations althought we haven't gotten the final tally yet, it was enough that made it worth doing and helped get the word out about it.  The Flint Crepe Company had some wonderful selections on their cart, offering crepes made with organic and locally bought ingredients, there were many things about the Flint River, and I made a contact with some ladies from the Lapeer Conservation District to set up some workshops and classes with the Academic Enrichment Company.
The Funny Face Alpaca exhibit was a huge hit as people clamored around to get a good look at the animals and have a pet.  The Organization for Bat Conservation from the Cranbrook Science Center did a wonderful presentation although I only heard if from a far as I helped at the dock doing pond dipping but I did mange to come over at the end and get a quick pic.  I was excited to get a close up shot of an owl they brought for the falconry presentation before they got started.  What a gorgeous creature.  The surprise discovery was when I went to get a photo of the fly fishing demonstration.  By the time I got there he was packed up and gone but a beautiful blue heron was hanging out on the side of the river right in front of the pavillion.  Observed it for a bit until Ethan came running up behind me yelling which scared it up into a tree which we then stayed and watched it from there for a while.  I've seen herons many times around my ponds on our property but never got to see them high up.
I got shifted from disc golf duty to pond dipping last minute after someone bailed.  I've seen this activity at several ecology and nature centers so it was no touble for me to take it over.  My first "customers" were kids from North Branch, one of which was my friend Faith whom I had the pleasure of canoeing with at the Camp Lael field trip last year and also saw recently at the Willows outing.  She and her sisters spent quite a while with me looking at things under the field scope.  I had another young man come over later in the day that was a very determined "critter finder" and his efforts were rewarded greatly as he discovered many pond creatures others hadn't.  We pulled lots of frogs eggs, had a few sightings, but no one was successful in capturing one.
Chatfield School 5th and 6th graders ruled the workshop as they hosted Bluebird House building made possible by a Toyota Tapestry grant for Habitat Restoration.  All the materials were free and the students put together some great materials to explain which birds were 'good' and which needed to be discouraged from the area.
Other demonstrations included Barb Barton, an endangered species biologist with the Native Wild Rice Coalition who demonstrated the steps for processing native wild rice: parching it over an open fire, dancing or jigging to remove the hull, winnowing the chaff and cleaning.  Quite the process however I don't know if this was as big a draw as the organizers thought it would be.  There was also an interactive story put on by The Superhero Training Academy which was relatively engaging from the boys' report, and of course hand-churned ice cream!
The best part of my day however was getting out in the canoe with my boys.  I love canoeing and really need to start doing more of it, especially now that the boys are old enough to really help handle the boat.  There's something about just floating along the water, it's quiet, it's peaceful, and you never know what you'll discover along the way.  I am going to make it a point to explore the Oakdale property more this summer both on foot and with my bike to get to know it more.  What a wonderful natural resource right in the heart of Lapeer.

Friday and Sunday were also the Lapeer County Concert Choir performances.  My dad and his wife came out to the evening concert which I greatly appreciated seeing as no one else I invited made it.  Most never even acknowledged the invite which I find a bit rude and disconcerting but whatever.  I had a 'solo' in the gospel number "Be Thou Faithful", really liked how it went on Friday but the Sunday version not so much, that one oddly enough got a standing ovation, go figure.  Ethan, Ben and I also snuck in a showing of The Avengers, straight up version, which was very entertaining.  I don't think I could have handled that much action in 3D, seriously!  Love, love, love Robert Downey Jr., he is the man!  Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner was also notable, and although I'm not a previously professed ScarJo fan, she definately brought it!

What's up for the Partons?  Baseball games start this week for Ethan.  Finishing up soccer games and sponsorship sales.  I'll be subbing three days for the middle school special ed teacher as she makes the trip to Washington DC with the 8th graders.  Marketing is out for the AEC Summer Program and hopefully registrations will start streaming in.  Click HERE to see the schedule.  Also planning a day trip to Lansing with the boys, helping with the LVLC Open House, and TREK trip with Ethan's class.  Rock On!