Wednesday, June 26, 2013

iSaw the Signs

Outside my Window:  It's been quite sunny lately with spatterings of rain, temps have been in the 80s all week.

What's on my Mind: Oh so many things.  Spoke with a lunch lady from one of our schools and asked if they are allowed to even cook for the kids anymore?  Like if someone donated meat to them that was raised locally to use.  All the food in the schools is "government packaged" to meet all the required "standards" and is basically warmed up and put out.  Wow, how sad is that.

The lack of success in my veggie garden is annoying.  Things are growing nicely then a critter comes in and feasts!  My corn and zucchini still look untouched but the beans, spinach, and peas gots wiped out.  Used to have a kitchen garden up by the house, perhaps I need to work closer in again.

Finding ways to keep my boys on track when it comes to their schooling.  We had some dips in grades and I don't want that to become a habit.  I know they are capable of better and sliding will not go on for long.  There's a fine line between nagging and encouraging.

Thankful for:  Having the time to get things done in my gardens and around the property.  I have a row of beautiful perenniels that got overtaken by grass and trumpet vine that was finally conquered.  Ben and Ethan rescued an area of hollyhocks, helianthus, and rose of sharon and pruned two humungus spirea. Got a great deal on impatient flats and added some color to the shade and gramma garden.  It may seem like a small thing but gardening represents a type of progress to me at this stage in my life.

Creative Endeavors:  While Fox was up at grandpa's property helping with the cabin construction I took the opportunity to clear out his room and remodel.  We had changed out the windows a while back but they were never framed in, plus there was some drywall issues to deal with.  I had a great time transforming the room and finally getting it finished.  This room is on its third metamorphesis, it was Alex's bedroom at one point and then my office before it became Fox's lair.  Still working on some finishing touches but the result has received favorable compliments.

Latest Project:  Ethan and I built this cage frame from scraps of wood Rob brought home from the shop.  The rabbits are getting to the age the genders need to be separated.

My 3 Sons:  Fox worked all week and the younger two for a couple days helping grandpa build a cabin on his property.  I hope they were good workers.

My relentlessness on putting the video games away for periods of time has prompted the boys to find other interests one of which is Dungeons and Dragons.  I'm all for it, let the imaginations run wild! 
Ethan did not make the All-Star team but it's fine we're all ready for some down time to putz around at home.  Ben is starting to make sure he has everything in order for Space Camp and has been invited to be in the 4th of July Parade with the other crews.  He said he would do it.  Both of the boys have also helped with the 4H Feeds Families Committee by giving presentations at the Freemasons and Knights of Columbus meetings to raise funds to use at this year's Fair.  Fox is going to present to our orthodontist who like to support 4H each year as well.  We're still waiting to find out about some grant money.

The first Born:  ...just got a letter sent to the house from BK Main Office.  I let Ethan read it to her since we were was to announce she is getting a raise and to thank her for her hard work and loyalty.  Sweet! 

Employment News:  Summer vacation.  Working for free.  Workin' on me!

Hoping to Improve:  Still contemplating the "Garbage Project".  So many products, so many processes.  I admire Alex's vegan loyalty, it is not easy to change eating habits especially when you live with others beside yourself.

Food for Thought: "Why don't I do things I say I want to do?" The answer is in your subconscious beliefs. Learn how to detect these sabotaging beliefs and how you can change them.  ~Ten Habits of Natually Slim People

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Friday, June 14, 2013

iGo the Distance

Outside my Window:  Beautiful sunny day but lots of white fluff flying around still.  Been having itchy eyes and sneeze attacks as I work outside but hasn't been so awful I need to medicate.

What's on my Mind:  Can't believe it's time to register for Fair already!!

Thankful for:  Getting a couple more days in of subbing which means one more check coming next month!  Bringing another academic year to a close.  Making progress on the yard this past weekend.

Creative Endeavors:  Craft Day for 4H Camp is coming up, this is a project test time to make sure the activities work and we know how to modify things if we need to for various age levels.

Lastest Project:  Bringing some Feng Shui concepts into the boys' bedroom arrrangements, starting with Fox who needs the most positive change. First up will be a new paint color, next a change of bed and desk placement, and the finish some select representive items for success in education and general properity.  Ben is already in the correct color palet and doesn't need make rearranging, Ethan I need to do a little more research for his situtation.

My 3 Sons:

7th Grade - Honor Roll and Academic Honors (3.75 or above)

6th Grade - Honor Roll, Outstanding Attendance, Class Voted: Friendliest

Ethan and Fox just finished a week of Cross Country Camp
and got these awesome shirts!
The first Born:  Moving to a 2-bedroom apartment is not happening, renewing lease for the same unit.  Rumblings of wanting to get back in school.....but not sure where or to do what.

Employment News: Summer Vacation!!

Hoping to Improve:  Still on trash reduction and not buying as much processed foods.

Food for Thought: Allow yourself to get distracted by living. There is a lot to be learned when your weight stops being the focus of your life.  ~Ten Habits of Naturally Slim People

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Monday, June 03, 2013

iAm Counting Down

Outside my Window: Nice and sunny but still on the cool side.

What's on my Mind: Taming the teenage boy.  All the boys have gotten a bit attitudal lately, everyone's a wiseguy, a commedian, a master negotiator, it can be a bit overwhelming when you're outnumbered.  I swear if I hear "yep, just a minute" again while 20 minutes goes by and you haven't done the chore I've so kindly reminded you of, or the dishes/wrappers/glasses sit there on the table that I've told you to clear off ....  My solution, the xBox360 has been put away, until I get a little more respect around here!

Thankful for: The end of school being near.  Hoping the final report cards are Aces and looking forward to a summer respit.  It's been a long year.  Below is a picture Ben took on his class trip to Lansing, it is the original Spartan statue that is now inside the stadium.  He thought it was pretty awesome.

Creative Endeavors: Aaaahhhh.

Latest Project: Still gardens and lawns.  Much to do.

My 3 Sons: Ethan and I went out to Midland this weekend with the North Branch Recreational Baseball group for a Youth Clinic and Great Lakes Loons game against the Lansing Lugnuts.  It was a fun day although very windy and chilly for the first weekend in June! 

Fox and Ethan are signed up to do the North Branch Cross Country Camp next week.  They will meet three days after school then the last two days in the morning.  Ben is refusing to go, in fact he is giving me grief about running cross next year.  I gave him a pass on the camp but am sticking to my guns on running the season.  It will be the one and only year that all three boys can run for school teams.  Both he and Ethan will be middle school, the next year when Ben goes into high school he will play soccer in the fall and won't be able to run.  That's all I ask is one season, one year, with only one sport to deal with!
The first Born: Getting ready to host a murder mystery party on the property....this ought to be interesting.

Employment News: Same ol'.

Hoping to Improve: My running schedule.  Since the 5K race the last weekend in April my miles have greatly diminished although I have gotten on the trail for a quick mile run at least once a week.  The Freedom Run in town is coming up the first weekend in July, I'd like to run it with the boys if I can get back in the groove.

Food for Thought: Focusing on the breaking of old habits gives them far more attention than they deserve. The only way to get rid of an old habit is to carefully construct a new one and never give the old one another thought!  ~Ten Habits of Naturally Slim People

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