Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Occasions to celebrate

Friday was my birthday, it was a good day, the boys gave me their homemade cards which are always a treat, I got some items for my van, a steering wheel cover and cup/stuff caddie. Dad and the boys even worked together to make a box for the caddie to sit on so it was up higher and easier to reach between the two front seats. I subbed in the upper elementary for a 5th grade teacher, it was crazy hat day. I had my Choice Time Choir practice and we are plugging away on our North Pole Rock & Roll Medley. I've been joking with my kids forever saying that I'm 29 whenever they ask how old I am. They're still a bit confused. This year I told Ben I was 39, and he exclaims "aha! then you're going to be 40!" "No, no you heard me wrong I said 35." Disbelief continues. Below is Benny and I with the cake he baked and did most of the decorating on, although the other kids had a little input as well. To keep the gag running they put 31 on my cake although I'll never tell the true number!

Friday evening I attended a wedding for a young adult couple from our church. They've known each other for several years and kept God in high esteem during their courtship, they even had to "break up" for a time while he attended The Honor Academy where your focus is purely on God and mission work and you're not allowed to be involved in any other relationships. As soon as he was released from his program there he asked her to marry him. It was so cute; when the pastor asked if anyone objected to this marriage all the groomsmen pulled out tiny sword daggers and pointed them at the crowd to keep 'em quiet. Of course we all bust out laughing. They had the best ceremonial walk-out I've seen to date, instead of the traditional music they used "Everybody Dance Now" and boogied down the aisle as did their wedding party of eight couples! The reception was a blast as well with much dancing and comraderie. I haven't laughed so much or so hard in a long time. It was a wonderful night and I pray their union to be forever blessed.
Saturday morning I headed up to Caro with Fox and Ethan for a huge cross-country meet; the last of the season. We got lucky during the high school and junior high race as the sky remained blue and the air clear. However the elementary runners were not so fortunate, just moments after the gun went off it began to rain but they all kept on like little troopers.
Coach Jason, with, what's that a smile? and his hard working junior team. Coach's son was there later to run the elementary race with Ethan also. Fox ended the season with his best 2 mile time ever a 12:42 and Ethan did great for his second ever 2 mile run. He set a goal to finish as close to 18 minutes as he could and killed that goal with an official finish of 15:35!

Here comes Ethan around the final soggy turn and heading into the home stretch. Although Ethan didn't offically medal in the race, Coach was very proud of all the kids and gave each a medal for a great effort. Fox although having his personal best time was just outside the top 20 for this race. Like I said it's a big one and these guys (and girls) can run!
One proud runner!
Sunday I attended church by myself as the kids stayed to clean house with dad and make a cake to have later when the rest of the Partons came over for a family portrait session with a professional photographer friend of mine who lives convieniently "around the corner." It was another good message and I am so grateful to have such a fabulous church family. We're not perfect, we're all works in progress but since I first started going there nearly eight years ago I've really gotten to know them, love them, appreciate them, and count on them in ways I hadn't realized until recently. My heart is continuing to heal since loosing mother and all that transpired during the final ordeal. I'm not feeling so angry and truely wish that my aunts, brother, sister-in-law and the like would have true peace in their hearts, health in their bodies, and joy in their lives. I know my future is ahead of me and there really isn't much reason to keep looking back for we all know what that brought unto Lot's wife! She looked back and lost her future. Amen. I'm coming to a better place with my teenager as well. She's making an effort to step up and take care of business; I'm loosening the reins and trying to accept her for who she is and not for who I think she should be. She's a good person, a talented young lady and a beautiful spirit. We've had some good chats over that last few days and I'm hopeful for what she's got on the horizon.
The cousins Parton looking sharp for some family portraits
on a gorgeous fall day!
I'm confident the professional's shots
will be much more appealing than our snapshots!

Sunday evening I went to the first meeting of the year for the North Branch Finish Line Swine with Benjamin. He's been buggin' me to raise a pig for several years. We've had many animals on the property including bunnies, chickens, sheep, mini-horses, pot-bellied pig, big horses, ducks, cats, and dogs but never a true swine! There is always a lot of business to cover at the first gathering, selecting officers (Ben is going to be a club photographer), discussing fundraisers, and explaining the educational forum for the year. For 2010/11 the club is going to work with The Heiffer Project and donate two pigs to the project, for the educational focus at each meeting a group of club members will give a presentation on the swine industry in a particular country such as how they're raised, used, which breeds, diseases that are a concern, income generated, specialty dishes, etc. Ben was a little overwhelmed with all the info but I'm excited. This is a long established club with good leaders and I'm looking forward to learning more myself. Over the weekend Rob and I will be volunteering at a local Haunted House for the club to earn money for its fund. Should be a screaming good time!
Monday I had my first productive practice with the Middle School Singers and another fabulous go with the North Branch Elementary Chorus that have started working on their third selection for the holiday program. Rejoice!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ongoing Tests

Wow, I can't believe it's been almost ten days since I've blogged no wonder I've been in withdrawls. Life has been a series of ongoing tests of intelligence, faith, grace, endurance, and general wherewithall. The boys have been heavy duty into MEAP testing the last couple weeks but say it hasn't been much of a problem for them at all. Rob has been facing some employment shifts but I'm thankful for it although we don't exactly know how everything will pan out just yet. Below is a picture of Ethan making his best rockin'-it-out face during practice time. He is being tested by muddling through the rigors of daily practice and the tedium of beginner lessons.
Benjamin has been enjoying soccer overall but finds some of the situations challenging to deal with and sometimes wants to drop it all. One thing I am determined to instill in my boys is following through on their commitments. When the going gets tough (or isn't what you thought it would be) the tough DON'T get going, they stick with it, and make it work, hopefully improving along the way. Oh, hum, and I guess I was just preaching to myself in that statement. Below is Ben taking a moment during his quarter out of play to visit with the fans.
The 40 days fast at our church ended Saturday and I did finish back on the 2Timothy trail however I've been doing alot of bible bouncing as I prepare lessons for Wednesday with the kids. I have been so impressed with the transitions God has been bringing on our family that I am continuing to fast. This week I've asked the boys to join with me as we believe for the right new job situation to make itself present, so all of us are foregoing watching television all week. It's made for some quiet mornings. I certainly can do with a little less SpongeBob! Below is a snap of some girls from the 4-5 year old class kicking up their heels to "Constellation Celebration."
Fox continues to test himself in the athletic arena coming in 25th at the Reese Invitational last weekend with a time of 13:40. This is a huge meet and the pressure was on, these guys are in great shape and push the competition to new heights. Medals were given out to the top 30 finishers. Tuesday he was at Swan Lake for regionals, he came in top 20 with his best time yet, 13:11 - Yowza! We've had some conversation recently about how to get more kids involved in cross-country, currently he is the only 8th grader running for his school and many kids on the high school team are seniors so he is concerned about what kind of team they'll have next year when he hits high school. I suggested he write an article for his school news and the district paper about his experience the last couple years and maybe it will inspire some people. He is of the impression that not many people really want to exert or challenge themselves. Sad, but in many cases true.
I have been spending much time in my office chair working to complete an editing project that has gone on far to long, the end is near but my butt is loosing its roundness from all this sitting; to compensate I've been getting out a couple times a week and walking with the dog. Jake comes with me when I take Ben to soccer practice and we boogie around Dryden, Sundays I usually get out and walk for a couple hours on the dirt roads by my house. The teenager thing is still a constant challenge to me and I'm praying to get past my unrelenting irritation over her choices and behavior. Somehow I have to find a way to show the love no matter what.
I'll end with a Friday Fill-In since I haven't done one in forever!
Happy Autumn Days to everyone.
1. My favorite month is October because all the colors are bright and it's my birthday!
2. Fall days are filled with a fresh breeze.
3. I love the smell of fresh cut grass and campfires.
4. Hot cinnamon rolls is what I like to have as a breakfast treat.
5. The hobby I enjoy most is painting on canvas with acrylics (when I get the chance).
6. Oh me, oh my.
7. As for the weekend, Friday night I'm looking forward to a wedding for two young adults from our church, Saturday I'll be taking Fox & Ethan to Caro for a cross country meet while Rob accompanies Ben to his soccer game, and Sunday is church, family portraits, and our first meeting with the North Branch Finish Line Swine 4H Club!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One More

... race. Saturday the whole family (minus girl child) went up to Cass City for the cross country meet. They held a K-8 run so Ethan and Ben both ran along with big brother. I was so proud of all of them for their gallant efforts. Benjamin kept pace with coach's son and made his 2 mile in 16:36 (unofficial time) which is fantastic for his first time ever running. Ethan after a very full week persevered and did not give up ending with a 19:26 (again unofficial), Fox however had all motors running and came through the shoot 9th place receiving his best time to date for a 2 mile, 14:11. Sah-weeeet!

Ben on the course.
Ethan coming into the finish.

... rocket!
Sunday we traveled en masse again up to North Branch so the boys could shoot off some rockets up at the baseball/soccer fields. This is something they like to do from time to time when we can spend some mad money on engines and the like. The newest rocket had three great launches, the old gray mare, which hypothetically wasn't going to go as high/far went just the opposite getting such gust it landed over the fence in the propane yard and busted. I'll have to put more rockets and materials on the Christmas list!
... ride.
After the launch the little guys and I went for a walk with the dog around town and rousted some friends to come up to the park with us while Fox and Rob ran a few errands. Their buddy had a some scooters so they brought them out and had fun at the new skate park next to the playground. Ben was a little hesitant but E went for it and had a pretty good wipe out off the big hill, however it didn't slow him down for long.
... rehearsal.
Yesterday I had an "informational meeting" for the Middle School Singers after school. Six kids showed up but two more were on the list as well but went to cheer practice instead this week. The announcement was made rather late last week so I'm hoping we'll have a few more add in. We did a little singing but mostly talked about possible song selections for the two programs. This will be my most challenging bunch fo shizzle, they are very 'energetic' bunch and it will take a heaping portion of grace to keep them focused. From there I headed over to the elementary for my first time together with an amazing group of nearly 40 kids! Hallelujah! Some students forgot to get a note to stay after but I still had their permission slips and I know a few classes got the notice late so more will probably come. I'm giving both these groups open add-in until the end of the month to accommodate sports commitments. But all in all we're off to a great start, we warmed up with the 'Joy' song that many knew from last year, introduced 'Sing Together' but the round attempt was a train wreck as anticipated (we'll get there) and we learned our first song for the Christmas program, "Look Up!".

Friday, October 08, 2010

Out in the Woods

This week Ethan participated in the three day Ecology Camp that all 4th graders at North Branch Elementary get to participate in at Camp Lael coordinated by Pete McCreedy. The first day's lessons were the same ones I caught with Ben last year but still loads of fun and very informative. Our first lab class was about Native American culture and took place in a huge teepee, amazingly 30 of us fit in there comfortably and with a fire going it was nice and cozy. He talked about the lifestyle, habits, houses, farming, tools, and more.

Below is a picture of a hoe made from a stick and a buffalo shoulder blade and Ethan wrapped in a buffalo hide with his antler rake ready to do some serious farming for the tribe. During the next class we went for a hike and learned about plants that you can eat, some tasted good, some disgusting, and we also tried acorn pancakes (thank goodness for fresh maple syrup made at Chatfield School's Willow Preserve). Lunch was spaghetti severed family style and our last class of the day was about beavers and animal adaptations.

Day two we started out with a canoe ride on Skinner Lake and had a gorgeous day for it. Ethan ventured out with his own boating buddies. I got to take out a young lady from Ethan's class who was very scared about the experience. After assuring her I knew what I was doing in a canoe and would stay close to the edge, I said a little prayer with her and we headed out. She was the passenger, I was in back steering and another young man was my front man. We glided out along the side, around the lake and over to investigate the beaver dam from the water side. She relaxed and enjoyed the ride eventually asking if we could go faster across the lake. "Oh, so now you're a daredevil?" I joked with her. She didn't even want to go back in to shore when our time was up and commented, "I have to tell my mom about this place so we can come back and do this again."

Our second lab class of the day was a great presentation about copper. Did you know Michigan has the purest source of copper found anywhere in the world? Mr. McCreedy also talked about native burial grounds and how unrighteous it is for people to dig up sacred land without any remorse or restitution to the Indians. He told about some finds in the burial grounds one of which was a skull that still had hair on it and was adorned with copper pipe beads. After the lecture the kids got busy banging out copper wiring to make it flat. The anvils they used were made from old railroad track off the Saginaw line.

Once the entire piece was flat enough, they clipped it into three fairly equal pieces, then it was put in the smelter, doused in water, and twisted into a tubular shaped.

Lastly a piece of cord was added and voila, a modern version of the Native American pipe bead, made into a bracelet.

After a great explanation about the importance of wetlands and their intricate function in our ecosystem the kids all got their own net for some pond dipping. Many tiny creatures were discovered as well as several frogs. However our identification time was cut short because we had to high-tail it back to catch the bus.

All this camp stuff makes for one tired boy!
I wasn't able to go the last day because I had the first meeting of Choice Time Choir in the upper elementary. Twenty students signed up and they are a fine bunch, several of the girls from last year returned and I have one brave boy included. First we did a quick warm up, then a "Sing Together" round, and I introduced a piece from the Star of Wonder musical called "Look Up" which they picked up very quickly. Ethan's last day at camp was filled with fun, including the Herd Game, the Bean Game, Square Dancing and making ice cream! He also had his first guitar lesson yesterday with Mr. T so it has been a very full week for my blessed and victorious 9-year old.

Wednesday night was the Kick-Off party for the Star of Wonder program at church. After opening prayer and reading of Psalm 1 & 92 I read them a story from when I was a little girl called "The Shiniest Star." It's about three little angels who shine the stars and the littlest one thinks her star isn't bright enough or good enough but hers is the one that leads the Kings to baby Jesus. It's a precious tale and I explained to the kids that everything we do matters no matter how small, even when we don't think it does. I wanted them to understand that everyone working on the program is important whether they have a speaking part, a song solo or sing with the group. During the story they were all quiet and listening intently and I hope that translates that they all 'got it'. Next I played the entire program CD for the kids and talked about what will happen during and between the songs; they were really digging the music and dancing along. Last we snacked and had some beverage while I answered some of their questions. Next week we'll dive into practicing. Glory!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Open Run

On a beautiful, crisp fall afternoon Brown City held their invitational run at the Brown City Park. Ethan decided it was his time to run and for the first time ever he participated in the K-6 mile and a half run. There were 147 boy runners, and 139 girl runners that ran separately thank heavens. Ethan did a fabulous job for his first time out coming through the shoot in 13:26 not far behind his running buddy from North Branch, the cross-country coach's son. He was pretty pumped up about it and is hot to run another race at Cass City this Saturday. The only glitch is he's feeling pretty sore on the upper front of his right thigh. Coach said to ice it, maybe massage in some muscle rub but still run over the next few days to prepare for Saturday.

Fox is keeping in the groove with his times out of 92 junior high boy runners he kept pace with the front of the pack on a very challenging course, with a huge hill several smaller inclines, straight aways and a few wooded sections which can get a little hairy sometimes with a large group running. Medals were given out to the top 20 runners, Fox finished the two miles in 14:46 coming through the shoot in 17th place! Way to go!

I've been to several rehearsals for the Lapeer County Community Chorus and I am loving it. Although my tongue is not exactly enjoying the Latin pieces yet but I'll get there. My favorite selection so far is "Children Go Where I Send Thee" A Gospel Spiritual arranged by Paul Caldwell & Sean Ivory. I was fortunate enough to perform this exact arrangement with the Flint Festival Chorus years ago and jumped back into the part easily. I don't have a huge group for the Praise & Worship choir at church so far but I'm believing new people will continue to show up each week.

Looking forward to tomorrow, during the day I get to go to Camp Lael with Ethan's class and learn more about ecology then in the evening we have our Star of Wonder kick off party at church where I'll finally get to introduce the kids to the musical I've been listening to daily. Any public or home school kids in the area that would like to join us Wednesday nights from tomorrow until December 15th and participate in a fantastic Christmas musical please join us at 7pm. Click on the website link below for location information.

Well you may have guessed since I haven't mentioned it lately I did not make the 2Timothy challenge. I have however been making an attempt to study the Word more than I have lately and enjoy thoroughly being able to listen to weekly messages from my church pastor via internet while I work on my editing project. I've also re-listened to a missionary speaker we had visit recently from Tree of Life ministries in Honduras who spoke about the process of forgiveness. Very interesting, very timely. Needing something meaty to consider than visit the FCFC website and check out the audio feeds and downloads.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Oooooo October!

Finally got the sub ball rolling this week starting with a half day as an elementary art teacher. My first group was Ethan's class, we worked on the beginnings of a tree project. His buds thought I was so awesome I have been asked to chaperone two days at Camp Lael next week. Woot! Then I had Mrs. Coppo's third graders which are always a great group of kids, with them we started a leaf composition, you can see the sample I used and Ben embelished with sharpies. Next I had a first grade health class then a second grade group that also worked on the leaf project. Below is a snap of two friends from last year's after school chorus who have informed me they are looking forward to singing again. Soon, ladies very soon. Benjamin walked the trail over after school and hung out during my last group and was a fabulous helper at the end of the day from there the younger boys and I headed out to Marlette for the cross country meet. I could totally be an art teacher full time, it is so much fun to see kids create.

Wednesday after school was the Marlette meet and it was a fabulous day weather wise. This year they had the elementary open race separate from the junior high race which was fortunate since last year the kids were tripping over the little rugrats and a few of 'em bit the dust. Fox did the 1.5 miles in 11:32 and came through the shoot 11th. Medals were given to the top 12 finishers. He said he felt he was really pushing himself to keep in it this time but he looked good to me.

Friday I subbed in a 6th grade team at the Ruth Fox Elementary, since this weekend is homecoming everyone was dressed in their blue and white getting charged up for the big game. They even had a 'tailgate' party in the staff dining room for lunch which was cool; much better than your cafeteria fare.

At the end of the day we trucked down the street with the whole gang to see the Homecoming parade with the band in full uniform, last year's king and queen, this year's court, football and other teams, floats with an American cities theme including Honolulu (Seniors), Hollywood (Juniors), Nashville (Sophmores) & Detroit (Frosh). Unfortunately my camera was being kooky so I didn't get everything but you get the general idea.

Here is a video of the band coming through the halls playing the fight song.