Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Festival Fun

The third week of school went off without much incident other than Ethan had a couple reprimands, nothing to serious, the worst punishment was he had to stay in from recess one day because he and another boy were throwing rocks out in the open field behind the playground. No meets for Fox. Ben had soccer pictures one day and a game on Thursday which they got clobbered in; it will be really good for them to get busy during practices this week and work some kinks out. Saturday we had planned to do another nine holes at Maple Springs but it was cold and windy and when we got to the course they were closed! So, plan B went into effect which turned out to be a great time. We (me, the boys & Grandpa Q) headed over to Past Tense, an apple orchard and gift shop which I had never been to in the 12 years I've lived in the area. Shame on me. They were having their Fall Festival which included some basic carnival games, giant slide, hay rides, a haunted house, corn maze, etc. We were excited to still get in a little golf on their 9-hole putt putt course!

This was a really cool set up for Ben, future putt putt designer of America, to see since he's always trying to set up courses on our property much to my chagrin since they are not the easiest things to mow around and I find parts with the tractor. So these 'portable' holes were pretty ingenius.After golf we headed back to the corn maze (sorry no pix, just picture big tall corn and us wandering around aimlessly). For the first 40 minutes we divided to conquer eventually starting to mark symbols on the ground to note paths that were dead ends or that we'd tried before. Our effort was to no avail since we found ourselves at the start again! However, we had a no fail attitude and ventured back in again, with a little hint from the ticket taker, and in 20 minutes we victoriously arrived at the designated exit. Fun time and we got some exercise in. Next, we headed into the restaurant for some lunch and I picked up the traditional cider and donuts to have back at the homestead.
While I went and puttered around in the gift shops the boys got busy on some more carnival games and went down the big slide, and I mean ALL the boys big and small. When we met up again I could hardly believe all the game prize booty they acquired. Being it was the first time I had ever ventured through the shop there I felt I was in the corn maze again, it was huge, with various holiday theme rooms, garden stuff, plus every type and color of fake flower known to man; I had to ask for directions to find the front door again! The antiques shop was interesting as well and the loose leaf teas smelled fabulous, I almost purchased a couple flavors but decided to hold off for now.

Dad followed me back to the house where we dropped off the boys. I wolfed down a cinnamon donut and some cider then he gave me a ride down to my in-laws where I picked up our new/used Astro van!!! Yes! After three weeks of being down a vehicle and having to run Alex to work and classes and all the boys activities and mine it will be nice to finally have Alex able to get herself around independently again.
Another amazing development is this is my first post from my own home on our new hi-speed Internet! Woot! We finally made the jump to Hughes Net which is really the only option I have for my area. Rob already had a router and Sunday after church I picked up a wireless USB adapter for the boys' computer and they are up and rununing which makes them happy beyond belief. We're finally living like the real world, no more dial-up.
I've also had a few new opportunties come my way but things are still in the works so no details yet just know good things are happening. Fox has two meets this week in Caro and Marlette. Ben just has practices with a game on Saturday. I'll be diligently working on my current editing project and subbing on Friday in the Ruth Fox building (I finally grabbed a job). Alex has been working almost 30 hours a week plus going to class; she says they're all pretty decent and the Algebra class is "super easy" so far. That was the one she dreaded the most. She's talked about definatly transferring out for next Fall but I'll believe it when she actually gets the ball in motion. Right now it's time for me to learn to let go of the reins, step back and give her the space to fail or achieve on her own. If she asks for my assistance I will certainly comply but I will not be the force to get things going initially, that she'll have to put into effect herself. For a fomer homeschooling mom used to orchestrating many educational endeavors on behalf of her children this is a very challenging task. God give me the grace!
* All photos except for the Astro van compliments of Dad with his new Droid phone. Thx!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Meets and Greets

Last Monday was the North Branch Home meet and again Fox held his own coming in 6th place out of 26 junior high boy runners. He's was talking about feeling a little sore in his legs this week but nothing too major. This weekend he took it easy and walked his regular trail route instead of run. We are all experienceing sore throat and coughs thanks to the kids entering the public school peitry dish. I seem to remember this happening last year also, Ethan started it, then it hit Ben and Fox, and lastly me, Rob and Alex. Tuesday was the Birch Run meet, there were only 2 teams running junior high, not medals were given out since it was more a high school meet than junior.
Saturday I got to watch Ben's soccer game and it was a good one. All morning it rained on and off but when it came time for their game at noon the sky cleared up and we all used our umbrellas to guard from the sun rather than the rain. Ben wasn't 100% since he was fighting sickness but he did manage to kick one goal in although it didn't count because a player was off sides.

Following in the anti-retail attitude of my BFF Michelle I have been finding some great deals at local thrift shops. With Fox growing as fast as he is I hate to pay full price for something he'll probably only get to wear a few times. At out Thrift Shop in town they had $1 bag days going on. I got Fox 2 practically new pair of jeans that fit great, and 2 pairs of chino style casual dress pants in navy blue and beige. Plus a pair of pants for Ethan and a cute summer suit jacket.

Had my first practice with the Lapeer Community Chorus this week. Their new director is excellent, with great exercises, very organized rehearsal, kind, encouraging and funny; all the best ingredients for a choir director. I need to get my chops back for the 2 hour rehearsals, I'm used to having kids for 30 minutes to an hour only. I forgot the big people really get the most out of their one time a week together. Still debating whether I'll make it tonight because my voice is not great with this sore throat thing. Pout.

People have been asking me lately if I miss homeschooling. I can honestly say no, I don't. It was time to make the move not just for myself but for all the kids as well. They enjoy pursuing things on their own and reporting back to me at the end of the day. I enjoy having time to myself during the day without policing them plus I've been getting more new opportunities since my time is freed up from schooling them. Friday I got to sub as a secretary at Quest High School which was cool. All the boys were glad they had time at home to school and be with me but they really like being around 'their own kind' for daily lessons too.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Stand Up & Shout

What a difference a year makes! Last year, the Bad Axe meet was Fox's first ever, the goal was just to finish the course without walking. He came through the shoot third from last. This year out of 30 junior high boys running, he came in 7th Place. Medals were given out to the top ten runners. Guess all that running around the trails all summer is paying off, not to mention he grew a foot and has more of a height advantage now. He seemed to tower over many of the competition. Great job buddy!! Tonight he'll run at the home meet, last season it was the only race he medaled in.

Ben also had his first soccer game Sunday but unfortunately we had to divided and conquer so I did not get to witness the game. They lost 5 to 4 but gave 'em a good fight. Hopfully things will run a bit smoother as the season goes on. Rob said they started late and the coach had to ref, which is always hard.

Alex is going to get lucky with book costs, one class doesn't have a book at all, math is just a paperback and not so expensive, one she can get as a download, so there's only History she has to find out about. Lucky girl.

I'm continuing the 2 Timothy challenge. Had a funny thought after reading one day, a total 'Family Guy' moment. In the address it infers Timothy is Paul's son. I'm curious how old is he at the time and what was he really thinking about his dad? I pictured a 20 something guy reading this letter, thinking, 'Dad's in jail again, for crying out loud! When is he ever going to just shut up about this Jesus dude already! What a crack pot!"

A merry heart is good like a medicine!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

and Away We Go!

The forms are filled out, the classes are set, open houses attended, and we're on our way!

Everything went well for the boys during the school day so far, the biggest glitch has been the bus pick-up. With one entire school changing runs there are to say the least a few snags in the program. Not to mention losing the head of transportation during the summer and a new person in place, bless his heart. Ethan's driver was so far off schedule (30 minutes late) I ended up driving him up to school. The second day the driver for the first run came so soon we missed her! Then I find out someone called the bus garage impersonating me and said that Fox will not be riding the bus at all and to cancel his pick-up. What! Myself and the poor woman at the garage were confounded and a bit scared. The weird thing is I called about them not being picked up just moments after the bogus call was placed. (cue Twilight Zone music). Alex had her first class last night, two more tomorrow, plus lots of hours at the BK.

Mr. Ben is one happy 5th grader, except for a small exception. He has made it perfectly clear he is not into missing his special classes (art, computer, gym) all year just to be in band. No way, no how! So we had some discussion and came to a bit of an impass. I'll not require him to do band until Middle School but we'll get him back into lessons to keep him up to speed. He probably knows all the notes and rhythm they'll cover this year so I'm not to concerned. It would be different if he was playing a wind instrument but with drums it's a little easier to play catch up or even keep up. Got yer back, Ben man!

A peek through the fence at the after practice coach chat while I was waiting to pick up Fox. Ben's soccer practices have been going great too, he really got an awesome coach this year and the uniforms are super cool! I think they should call themselves the Grasshoppers because they're green, black and yellow.
Below is another peek at Mr. Ethan heading into school on the first day for his last year in elementary. It seems that since the ceiling has been broken with Alex graduating it will only be a blip in time before this one is commencing.
We've been given a challenge by our P&W leaders to read 2 Timothy everyday for the next 40 days along with fasting something. I'll be honest, I'm sort of creatively fasting, something different everyday and then maybe changing it up to a week. It's still hard but not as much. Anyway I finally got to reading late last night and the scripture that stood out to me on the first read was "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (1:7) and " And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. " (4:18) I love that it states SHALL deliver me, not might, not maybe, not if you do thus and thus and so and so you will be delivered. It just is without a doubt. Praise God because I need to be delivered from myself, my own thoughts, my own doubts. I recently met with a counselor to possibly confide in regularly. After briefly explaining "what's been up" she asked me if I was mad at God because my mom died. "No, I'm not mad at God at all. He worked mightily along the way on her behalf. I'm mad at people and how stupid things got among us." I know what you're thinking, so don't even go there cuz I'll go first.....forgiveness. I'm working on it. It's a process. "Grace, mercy and peace" (1:2) to you.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Ready, Get Set ...

We are getting closer to the start of another academic year! Yesterday all the boys got their back-to-school haircuts from the best stylist ever!! All three opted against the buzz cut this time and Ethan is planning to grow his hair out this year until his bangs cover his eyes. Can you say skater boy? This is a rather popular style in the schools.

Tuesday night we had open houses in the upper elementary (Ben) and middle school (Fox). Ben was soooo excited he couldn't stop talking and asking me questions about everything. He was successful in working the combination and getting his locker open and knows several kids in his home room from his class last year. Fifth grade is run in teams and Ben is on a three teacher team, his home room teacher Mrs. Rogers seems top-notch and I'm looking forward to working with her as well as Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Goldstein. Ben will also start playing drums with the 5th grade band which he is excited about but even more so about eventually playing in the marching band when he gets to high school. Ben and Fox will ride the bus in together this year with a bright and early 7am pick-up time. Wooooootttt. (Yawn) But the upside is they'll both be done by 2:35pm. Fox pretty much did his rounds by himself. He found all his classes, saw who his teachers are and picked up whatever materials they had available in the class then met up with us at the upper el. His schedule is pretty standard other than he's got Algebra instead of Math 8, he's also sticking with band through middle school. The only change is he's going to check into adding an extra history elective and dropping Art2 but we're not sure if it is offered at the same time. He can deal with that once school starts. Cross-country practices are well underway with the first meet in Bad Axe next Saturday which will also be the day of Ben's first soccer game. Divide and conquer!

After haircuts the boys and I headed over to my mom's house to pull a few more perennials. Things looked rather sad even though the neighbor across the street has tried to keep up on it; bless her heart. The neighbor behind however made sure to come over and voice her discontent with how things looked commenting "your mother is probably rolling over in her grave". It was all I could do to walk away and not b*tch slap her. Honestly other than the grass being a bit burnt from lack of water and the plants a little dry it wasn't as dismal as I imagined. All the plants I brought to my house are thriving and we had more butterflies than I could count this year due to the two buddleia bushes I aquired. Very cool. I'm anticipating having a renewed energy toward my gardens next summer and hope to get them back in shape. This year it was all I could do just to get through each day.

I am humbled, honored, and excited to anounce another new assignment I've been blessed with, director of a new praise & worship choir at church; deemed the Halellujah Chorus. It will be a united vocal group that supports the existing praise & worship teams on select Sundays as well as ministering special music on occasion. Practices will begin mid-September. The upper elementary principal has also confirmed me for Choice Time choir on Friday afternoons which will begin in October AND I will be working with my kids at church on Wednesday nights to prepare "a kids Christmas musical of hope" entitled "Star of Wonder". Our kick off party will be the first Wednesday in October and we'll minister the program December 15. Look for updates right here!