Tuesday, August 11, 2009

little bump -^-

Late Saturday night during the crazy lightening storm we lost power at the house. It still has not been restored. The boys are all with the grandparents camping in Sandusky, Rob is down in Westland so it's just me and Alex toughing it out. The trucks are at the house now hopefully we'll be up and running by the time I return tonight.

Finished 24: Season 7 before the power gave out, sort of disappointing compared to other seasons. This was the Boo Hoo year, lots of crying and whinning. I did NOT like the woman president at all. Not that Cherry Jones didn't so well with the part I just didn't like the way they wrote her situations. There was actually one point when I said out loud (on behave of Jack) "Women!" because he had to keep giving in to their demands even though they weren't neccesarily making the right decision and he was technically under their authority.

Anyway, time to run, Alex has a hair appointment in preparation for Senior pictures, then I'm helping at Vacation Bible School this evening. There have been other things happening too but I'm just not in the mood to go over it all at the moment. I'll just sum it up as teen love - it's a challenge.

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