Thursday, May 19, 2011

Plenty Goin' On

I didn't mean to let so much time lapse between postings, the days just got away from me. Let's see, Fox returned from his Washington DC trip in tack and I timed the pick-up perfectly pulling in right behind the it! Alex went to prom AGAIN, but for the first time with an actual date. Fox has been doing well in track, his best being at the home meet, he took 2nd in the 2-mile and 1st in the 1-mile with a time of 6:19 plus they won the 4x800 relay again but didn't break the school record as they were hoping. We were getting a lot of stuff done around the yard and gardens, that is before the rain started. Took Jake in for his spring clean-up; see the before and after pics. In addition to working on some verfication and writing projects I've also been subbing, did a day in pre-school special-ed even and some floater days at the elementary while teachers did science training. I still don't understand why they don't hold training workshops when school is not in session..... Plus the LCCC had their "Spring into Song" concert which had a great audience both Friday and Sunday with selections enjoyed by all.

Fox thought the DC trip was decent but confessed that vacationing with a huge tour of people is not his first choice for sight-seeing. Everything seemed really rush, rush and since they had to rush off to the souvenier shop they missed Prince Charles and Obama coming out of the White House by ten minutes! He reported that everyone got along in his group which was good and the play "Happy Days" was a big hit too.

This has been ridiculous soccer season in terms of weather and game rescheduling. The photo below was from a couple of the decent night games we've had. The past Saturday was just awful with the rain going on all day but the kids still played because there was no lightning. We had the Noon game and by then the field was so flooded when the kids kicked the ball it wouldn't even go anywhere because there was so much water. I must admit I was a a bit disgusted the coach (who was also refing) didn't call the game after half time since it was so cold and miserable. The kids hung in there, I give them credit, and guess who got sick....our coach. Practice was canceled for Tuesday because of it.

We have had so much rain lately that the two ponds on our property are about to connect. However, it doesn't seem to bother our new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Goose, in fact we've got two couples, one with 4 goslings, the other with 3. They usually don't stay long but I'm starting to wonder if these are the same geese that keep coming in every year. Wish I could tag them somehow.....

This is our last full week of school for the year. Woot! Since we have a long weekend around Memorial Day there will be two 4-day weeks then three and a half days and we're done!!! Ethan will do 4th-grade graduation on the last morning of school, All-Band Concert is the last Monday of school and I will get to chaperone one more trip with Ethan's class to the Bay City planetarium. Hope its a good one.

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