During the Ecology camp I realized that one of the boys on Ben's team, Zach, is in his class too. His mom was chaperoning also that day and we started talking, she lives on the street south of me, Welch! I said we should help each other out with rides. After school Zach came home with us for a quick bite (cheese quesadillas & fresh apples) and then to the game so mom could get another kid to football practice. Usually she would get Zach to the soccer games late because of it, wish I wouldn't have known earlier. But for spring that will be awesome. The boys all got along great, he's a very nice kid. They are new to the North Branch schools this year, moved from Holly. He husband is gone for weeks at a time to work, so I can totally relate.
Substituted for the Business teacher at the High School yesterday. The classes were pretty mellow for the most part, everybody worked well independently but each class had the one or two that just talked the entire time and didn't even really make any attempt to get their work done. And what is with half the class always having to go to the bathroon, or to their locker, or to get a drink, give me a break! I took advantage of the hi-speed, logging in under Alex's User ID, and worked through conference hour and lunch. Got 50 entries pulled! Hoping to not have to take a lot of HS gigs though. Middle school, wasn't so bad.
~~ + ~~ + ~~
a complicated animal.
Love them,
hate them.
Button pushers,
Fill you,
with pride.
Spouses, siblings,
parents, cousins
Every relation
can get insane.
A tangled web
Life’s too short
to regret.
Storm over,
forget it.
It’s so weird, ever since I can remember as a kid there always seemed to be some kind of emotional explosion, mostly between my mother and I, maybe it happened between my parents too, sometime during the fall. Not sure if it was the stress of back-to-school time or hormonal biorhythms or what. But without fail my mother and I would enter into some type of altercation. I noticed the pattern with my husband and I after several years of marriage and it seems the cycle continues. This year’s catalyst being my teenage daughter, oh, we’ve had altercations pretty regularly but you know there are always those that gain more fuel than others. It’s almost like I’m two people, the one that can remain calm in adversity and the other “don’t *beep* with me” model. It’s difficult to lay down the law with a teenager; they don’t think rationally when they are determined to get their own way. Many times I’ve let what ever particular issue go, against my better judgment, just because I don’t have the energy for a throw down, and I always end up with regrettable repercussions. Those stick-to-your-guns moments suck, but are necessary. Yes, it’s been an interesting 24 hours in Parenting Land, but if that’s the worst I have to deal with I s’pose I should count myself lucky.
1 comment:
Apparently, you live in a cold city .... rrrrrrr
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