This afternoon I had the opportunity to substitute for one of the elementary music teachers. We had a blast! Well first, I had to do a health presentation for a 3rd grade class, using a Suess story about the Sneechers to open a discussion about discrimination. I'll sum it up in one word - LAME. The video was good but the activities, not. Next I had a 1st grade class for a brief time to make up for the session they would miss on Friday due to the Halloween activities, then came a Kindergarten group, and lastly 2nd grade. The two younger crews were awesome, we opened with some movement songs, then did our story, a Halloween "sing back" song and then some more dancing! The Ghostbusters Freeze Dance, oh yea. I even threw in some of my Creative Movement elements, having them squish their shapes, stretch their shapes, blow them up like a big balloon, or melt them down to the ground. We waggled up a good hearty sweat. The last group (2nd Grade) however were really a rowdy bunch, moving the chairs around, shoving themselves into corners of the room where they weren't supposed to be, playing on the steps, and just not following directions. I kept them under control for the most part but it got rather annoying. Apparently, this was nothing new I found out when I talked to the regular music teacher later in the day. It made me feel better that they didn't just act that way for me. There is one thing I really try to avoid and that is giving a bad report to a teacher about her class, but unfortunately in this case I felt obligated to "fill her in" when she came to pick them up.
--xystus: (n) a long, roofed colonnade used for athletic training in ancient Greece in cold or wet weather. That's what the music room was today as we moved and grooved and were literally dripping wet with sweat, myself included. Oh, yeah, I get in there and move along with them, frog hops, scarecrow dancin', penguin walks, or the pony, can't keep me in my seat!
I received several compliments today too, one from the principal, and some from other teachers about how well I did with the 1st grade class I subbed in last week. Apparently one little girl went home and told her mom she had the best day ever! The mom inquired with the principal who the sub was that her daughter had such a great time with. Cool. I also had another teacher say she requested me as her sub but someone got in there and grabbed it before I did and she was really bummed. It felt good to be requested though. Also, I came home to a message from Ethan's teacher asking if I could take her class Thursday and Friday this week. Looks like the word is out, Ms. Robyn has the authority and she rocks! Better eat my Wheaties!
I borrowed your nano pic because I liked it so much :).
The reason you rock?
I'm glad you can reach out and share your gift with other children.
Hugs, Mich
How awesome to be requested for subbing!
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