Finally middle school ran. Fox got off to a good start since NB had the side block and they all could get a good hustle to the center of the pack. He kept up a good pace, there were a couple minor hills but most of the route was relatively flat (Caro Golf Course). When I picked him up from practice yesterday he said he felt a lot stronger out running the 1.9 miles during practice even after two days off, Wednesday the team had a pizza party, Thursday he had some teeth extracted after school. Today he seemed ready to go if nothing other than to get it over with, get home, get warm, and play some Dungeons & Dragons with his brothers and dad. We didn't get his official time but from what coach clocked he was just under 17 minutes somewhere. Wow, talk about an improvement, his first race he did the 2 miles in a little over 23 minutes. Knocked it down 6 minutes! I'm impressed. Well done.
FRIDAY FILL-IN(one day late)
1. So are we going to get this party started!?
2. A crazy month of NaNoWriMo is what's up ahead.
3. I love to sing in the choir.
4. I need a witty catchphrase of some sort.
5. I walk a mile in my shoes everyday.
6. Dark chocolate is the true elixir of life!
7. And as for the weekend, tomorrow I'm heading down to Utica to the Fisherman's Net church to see some friends of mine that are in from Kansas City and ministering during the 10am service.
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