Rob came home Friday and did an emergency repair on the Neon exhaust. Saturday he was giving it some additional TLC and ended up with a situation while doing an oil change. Basically the plug was not the original and it didn't fit back in the pan. After wrestling with it all evening he finally gave up. The next morning he tried again and decided to see if he could purchase a replacement. Sunday afternoon after I returned from church (had another great rehearsal!) and grocery shopping we rode to Auto Zone together, along with Alex who we dropped off at Burger King for her Sunday shift, he bought two different plugs to try. We also went to check out a van that some friends had out for sale, a Ford Econo that seats 15! I had talked to them about making payments and was happy to know they were open to the idea which would have been a blessing in and of itself but I was even more blessed, floored, shocked, and extremely touched when the keys and title were handed over to me, no payment neccessary!! I have been believing for a van for some time, praying for a super deal on a van that is in great condition and will give us many miles with little to no repairs required. Praise the Lord, he does deliver! I am planning to help some friends out with after school care for their kids and was needing a vehicle that I could pick them up from school in, along with my own kids and go do things, like hang at the library, or go to the park, or a movie, whatever, even just give other kids a ride home when I have my own with me. Now, I can be a blessing to other moms that need help. Sweet. One of the replacement plugs did work, so oil is back in the Neon and it is ready to hit the road once again. Soon, our new addition, Rosie the Big Red Van, will be fit to roll as well.

Sierra has been having a difficult time with math and is absolutely terrified. I keep telling her she will be fine but she doesn't believe me lol. I still have no respect for the MEAP, so it is hard for me to care about the test itself, but about Sierra, I care a lot!
Wow, what a huge blessing!
I thought that might have been your team playing next to James on Saturday, but I was going back and forth between JAmes and Suzy who were playing at the same time, and didn't have a chance to come by and look for you!
Sierra should not be concerned at all about the test, just do the best she can. It is over material from the grade prior and not meant to 'trick them up'. I don't put a lot of merit into it other than just encouraging the boys to take their time and do their best.
Lisa, unfortunatly I missed the last game but they did great from what was reported to me. We're really looking forward to the spring season. Maybe we'll see you at Young Marines!
God Bless the Bindigs for their generosity.
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