Ethan has been consistently bringing home A papers which is fabulous, a great improvement compared to last year. Spelling is probably his biggest challenge but he's not doing terrible. Benjamin has been spending his car, bus, and extra class time making a small collection of graphic novels called Zook. He has a special way he folds the paper to get six pages, really twelve when it unfolds.
Tuesday evening was soccer.
4th Grade Ecology Camp: Wednesday was the first day at Camp Lael for Ben's 4th grade class. I was fortunate enough to chaperone this day. It was pretty brisk but at least the rain stopped and we even had the sun break through during the final class session.
For the last part of this time the kids tried out La Crosse sticks made the native way and the modern version as a comparison. No doubt the adaptation of these implements made a big difference.

Next we went in for a family style lunch of spaghetti, salad, and rolls. After the meal the kids were in charge of cleaning, they had a very specific system, then one of the instructors brought out the wasted food from our plates (not including serving dishes) and we weighed it: 7 lbs of leftovers from 52 kids and 10 adults. Then he discussed waste and landfills and compost, etc. For the last class session the kids learned about edible plantlife the Indians made great use of, pine needles, sassafrass, cedar, clover, and they made acorn pancakes to try.

Tuesday evening was soccer.

Our first class was about 'adaptation' as it related to beavers. She had one student come up and be donned with apparel that represented the beavers special adaptations: ear flaps, eye protection, flippers, oil, comb, and fur. Then we went on a quick hike to check out a beaver lodge, different from a dam you know.
The next rotation we learned about some Native American games and also the materials they used to make them. There was also some brief discussion about logging and the use of trees which tied in slightly to the beaver tree concept. From left to right below are antelope 'buttons' for playing the Bowl Game, the game Five Toe, and a beautiful bark canister.

Next we went in for a family style lunch of spaghetti, salad, and rolls. After the meal the kids were in charge of cleaning, they had a very specific system, then one of the instructors brought out the wasted food from our plates (not including serving dishes) and we weighed it: 7 lbs of leftovers from 52 kids and 10 adults. Then he discussed waste and landfills and compost, etc. For the last class session the kids learned about edible plantlife the Indians made great use of, pine needles, sassafrass, cedar, clover, and they made acorn pancakes to try.
It was a very nice program, I'm excited to hear what they get to do the next couple days. Will blog Ben's report later.
Last Remarks: After weeks of painstaking contemplation I have made the heartbreaking decision to withdraw Ethan from the competetive gymnastics program. The bottom line is with all the fees required for competition, and the cost of the uniform, and the stress on the family to be down in Rochester directly after school several times a week, and the gas, etc. I felt it wise to let it go for now. It breaks my heart because I know Ethan has the ability to go far with it but it is a huge investment in many ways. I've released the situation into the fates that be and like the butterfly if it is meant to be then a way will be made, if not I'll have to rejoice in new opportunities. It was a rough choice but unless I can find some kind of independently wealthy sponsor to back him, it'll have to be for now.
I'm sure that was a hard decision, but it sounds like it will be good for the family. The Camp Lael thing sounds great!
I totally agree with the gymnastics descion. Don't feel bad at all. We've cut back in different areas like that as well!
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