Junior High Open House went well; Principal Cranick was kind enough to make the schedule change for us so Fox will have Art first trimester instead of Reading Club. His English/Social Studies/SeminAR teacher is Mr. Mitchell, the son of Mrs. Mitchell whom he had last year, and his wife is pregnant with twins. He seems like another excellent influence, just like his mother. Mr. Peplinski is his Math teacher, Fox really liked him, he’s got a sort of kooky humor (like many math teachers, huh dad), and is interested in getting some academic clubs going in the school again. Mrs. Parsons is his Science teacher, the mother of Fox’s art teacher, Mrs. Baksa, and also the mom to three grown triplet boys. God bless her! Fox is hanging in there with cross-country; they run about 4-6 miles each practice. The first meet will be Saturday, September 12th in Bad Axe, the same day as Benny’s first soccer game. Timing should work out that we can make it to both, Soccer 9am in Imlay City, head up M-53 from there to Bad Axe for the meet @ 11:15. Coach said the Junior High meets usually only last a half hour, then I should be able to make it back home, change and get over to the church to run sound for a wedding @ 3pm. Fun! But that’s next weekend.

Ben and Ethan both met their teachers last night. Ethan is with Mrs. Cappo, Ben had her last year for Science since she shares some subjects with Mrs. Bodnar. For fourth grade they are working in teams much like they do at the upper elementary, Benjamin has Mrs. Smielewski and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smielewksi is his homeroom teacher; she is also pregnant with twins and due in March! They bumped into many buddies from last year’s class and sports, some in their classes, some they’ll just see out on the playground because they are on the ‘other side.’ The elementary is one building divided into two schools for those who hadn’t read my posts from last school year.
Alex is trying to cram in as much social time as possible before school starts and she won’t really have time to hang out as much. I’ve lost track of the ‘birds’ break-ups and make-ups. I’m really just ready to move on from it. The kids’ family is probably moving to Holly so they are NEVER going to see each other. But yet we have to hang on to this sinking ship. Received a flyer in the mail from UofM Flint about some Preview Nights they are having at area libraries, if you bring your transcripts and ACT scores with you, you can apply that night and they will waive the admission fee. She’s going to the one at Marguerite deAngeli Branch Library on September 23. For more info go to www.umflint.edu/admissions/FallPreview . They will be in Owosso, Birch Run, Saginaw, St. Clair, Pontiac, Burton, and Grand Blanc as well as Lapeer. Rob and I are both encouraging her to apply to at least three schools, even though she’d like to go to Grand Valley ultimately.
Me, I finished another batch of work, and am looking forward to having everyone out of the house during the day so I can keep it relatively cleaned-up. Plus I’m hoping to get some projects done perhaps with the help of some fabulous friends and family who have various areas of expertise and ample time, and I’d like to get myself on a regular work-out schedule. My father-in-law is going to bring my bike back up here next time he’s out and I’d like to start throwing it on the bike rack and going for a ride once or twice a week on my own at different places. Alternating that with walking, yoga and some workout tapes on occasion, maybe I could actually stop looking so round in the middle. I’m not that overweight, maybe 10-20lbs depending which list you check for my height, but it’s the really hard comfort cushion, stress padding pounds to loose. Recently a letter was sent out about the new computer system they will be using for Substitute Scheduling, willsub.com, an orientation will be held for it next week. That should be awesome once it gets in place, I’ll be able to go on and claim days I’d like to work ahead of time. Nice.
Rob is going to start making moves toward getting the Jeep running again so Alex will be able to have a car regularly. Our car, mind you, we’re just letting her use it. This oughta be interesting. Hopefully he can get the last section of deck up before hunting season too.
What to do when you can't afford to buy paint and want to redecorate, use the remnants of all the color you have left and get funky with it!
Friday Fill-In
1. The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades!
2. I hate being called mommy.
3. Mosquito Coast is one of my favorite movies (a favorite book too!).
4. Paper plates and plastic glasses.
5. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
6. The scripture(s) I refer to most in troubled times is Psalm 23.
7. Tonight I’m looking forward to running around doing drops-off and pick-ups for practices & work schedules, tomorrow my plans include dropping off recycling then visiting w/ family, and Sunday I want to have a great first rehearsal with the Seeds of Jesus Kids’ Chorus.
Update on my mom Judi. She is going in for new scans today but won’t know results until the 9th. Apparently there are some new ‘lumps’ on her back and the pain is increasing as well. Not sure what will be next. Please keep her lifted up. Thanks.
Have a fabulous Labor Day everyone!
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