Well, we're off! Everything went relatively smoothly getting everyone off to the bus. Unfortunately Alexandra, is starting her senior year off riding the yellow coach with Fox due to some rather bad decisions she made recently and is now working her way back into my good graces. Not going to expound on the details because its under the bridge now but let's just say having teenagers is a learn-as-you-go process. The younger boys were so excited they were up and dressed with backpacks on at 7:15am - their bus doesn't even come until 8:06am!

Fox had a little confusion about where he was supposed to be first hour since he forgot his schedule but with the help of a couple teachers and the office staff things were figured out. He also had cross-country practice after school so it was a long day for him. They didn't do much work but went over many rules, what will be expected of them in during the year, getting to know you exercises, etc. He has already dubbed Mr. Peplinski (Math) as one of his favorite teachers because he used a Three Stooges clip to demonstrate why you need to be able to calculate.
Ben and Ethan said they did some getting to know you games also and a little minute math and I think they both had Music for their special. Benjamin had soccer practice at 6:30pm too so it was a full day for him. They all chilled in the evening and watched 'Bolt' again then hit the hay. None of the schools played the president's address.
Today will be Ethan's first school plus gymnastics day, he was the last one up this morning already, we'll see how he is tomorrow. But at least he is happy to be going to school this year and says Mrs. Cappo is tremendously better than his teacher from last year.
I had a great day myself. After getting everyone on the bus I checked email and facebooked, did some yoga, corpse posed with the dog for a few moments, did some house chores, got some entries written, then had a crazy few hours of running Alex to an orthodontist appointment, picking up Fox from practice, Ethan and Ben didn't get off the bus until 5pm (typical for the first day), made some dinner, then took Benny to soccer. Full Day - Good Day - Happy Day.
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