This weekend was amazingly full and in my opinion a great success. Benjamin had his first AYSO soccer game the Blue Dragons against Blue Steel. They won 9-2. My only blip was I got there and realized the batteries in my camera were kaput thankfully my in-laws attended and had a camera so I will post some pix once she loads them onto Facebook. After much contemplation about changing to AYSO from the North Branch Rec. League I am happy to say the switch has been a great improvement. I am tremendously impressed with the way coaches have been running practices, using a multitude of drills and skill-building games plus getting together with other teams to scrimage. Even though I only caught the beginning of Ben's game because I had to leave early to get Fox up to Bad Axe for a cross-country meet from what I witnessed it was one of the most technically executed games I've seen him participate in. Kudos to coach Teressa and her assistant Tammy.

Saturday was also Fox's first cross-country meet ever! He was nervous because he had never actually run then entire distance without a bit of a walk break. On the way there we talked about it a little and I encouraged him to make that his goal for this race, just to run the entire distance at a pace that he could manage. He did, starting out the last of the pack with his teammate Eric he looked pretty labored but he kept on and eventually moved ahead of his buddy a bit, and later passed another girl who cramped up and walked it. He made it into the shoot at 20:19, I'm so proud of him. Afterward he said there were several moments he just wanted to walk but he didn't. Today he has another meet, this time at North Branch, the goal he's setting is to try for an even 20 and to remember to keep his head up. The kids on the high school and middle school team are really a great bunch, they really encourage each other and even though we arrived later than the others as soon as they saw Fox there, they called him over to stretch with them and get him up to speed on the course, which I really appreciated not knowing at all how these events actually run yet.
Rob, Ben, Ethan, Gramma and Grandpa Parton arrived at the meet just as they were coming into the second mile since the soccer game ran a little behind schedule but they were there to see him finish and were all happy, proud and impressed. Gramma and Grandpa headed to their property in Cass City while Rob, the boys and I drove home, stopping at McDonald's in Marlette for a free ice cream cone. Back at the house Gramma Judi came to pick up the boys and take them to the Old Car Parade at Greenfield Village and spend the night. Some friends of hers have a Model T so the boys got to ride and wave to the crowd. I took a quick shower then headed to the church to run sound for a wedding. The service was very sweet and they had a great turnout of family and friends. Congratulations to Rich and Jessica may their union be forever blessed. Afterward I had a nice chat with Pastor Jeff and also with his wife Francine, as they get more into the groove of their new duties as head pastors I am really liking the changes they are implementing and the efforts they are making to up their game in the areas of administration and organization.

Returning home once again, to a quiet home (Alex had to work at BK), Rob and I decided to ride up to North Branch and rent a movie, we also loaded up Jake and took a walk around the neighborhood. Jake was sooooo happy he was jumping our of his fur to get to go somewhere. We rented Hamlet 2 which was surprisingly good, I really got a few belly busters out of it. Took a few pictures but none turned out that great. I'll just post one, this is a cute little building in town that always intruiged me. If I had a million dollars to blow on real estate this is one I'd invest in, I have several I've mentally noted in my head from various areas.
Sunday I attended church on my own, had a good rehearsal with the kids, heard a great message (and was even secretly referred to in it-in a good way-always be careful when you have discussions with your Pastor, anything is game for when they preach :-), gave my friend Marylou a ride home, chatted with her at her place for a bit then scooted down to Grosse Pointe to pick up the boys. All in all a very full but fullfilling weekend. I leave you with a quick snap I took of the sky at the cross-country meet (after I got new batteries obviously), it was so bright I really couldn't tell what I'd get I just like to snap clouds but when I looked at it later I saw a shape the clouds created, can you see it? Have a happy, bon, feliz, bueno, week one and all!
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