Friday, September 11, 2009

Dr. report brings happiness

Mom got the result from her scans and the happy report was 'nothing new and nothing grew' which shocked her but it is the good kind of shock. This is what we've been hoping and praying for to keep the 'C' at bay. The lumps....just fat. How many times in your life are you actually glad you've got fat! (; D)

The school week has been shaping up nicely, although is was a little rough getting the boys to wake up yesterday. Today they bounced back just fine. Alex had her first Intro to Philosphy class, hurt her brain a little, all the lecturing. She doesn't even need a book, he's working primarily from handouts and discussion. There will only be three exams and he drops the lowest grade so each score you keep is worth 50% of your grade, that's a little daunting. Only time will tell I suppose. One small bummer, in her Creative Writing class the teacher says they are going to be writing about themselves :::big raspberry::: give me a break, how creative is that!

Fox had some homework last night, making a poster charting the Scientific Method and writing a paper about a favorite hobby. The poster was actually a group project that they didn't get finished in class and he volunteered to do it at home for his group. Hope he gets extra points for the effort. The hobby he wrote about: Chess. In math class they took a prelinimary test so the teacher could get an idea of the topics the class was strong or weak in and apparently Fox got the highest score. Way to go! He's hanging in with CC and doesn't really even seem to be getting very sore anymore.

Ben and Ethan are fine except for the whole remembering what to bring home or turn in, lunchboxes, school/home folders, signed papers, etc. Nothing major, it's all good.

I had a very productive week myself, got a good deal of entries pulled and some written, attended the WillSub meeting, did errands, opened a new bank account thanks to a $100 incentive, and even took time to sit at Starbucks, have my Peppermint Mocha Grande in a real mug, and read. Finally finished the Michael J. Fox book "Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist" and was pretty much in tears, not of sadness but of admiration for him, his foundation work, his family, and amazing wife. He and Tracy are definately on my would-love-to-meet list. Talk about phenomenal people, I put them in the same category with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward who while being great talents managed to stay out of the paparazzi glare and make amazing efforts to give back to the world in abundance. Great book, I highly recommend it and "Lucky Man" as well.


1. He was a one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater.

2. Changing colors, apple everything, and the occasional hayride is what I look forward to most this time of year.

3. My best friend needs to call me.

4. I really don’t understand all the fuss about Obama’s address to the students to be honest with you.

5. Appearances can be deceiving.

6. The last person I gave a hug to was Ethan & Ben at the bus stop.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to running sound for a wedding rehearsal, tomorrow my plans include Ben’s first soccer game, Fox’s first cross-country meet, running sound for the Barber/Winter wedding and Sunday, I want to have another great rehearsal with the SOJ Kids Choir!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Saw Ben playing soccer this AM. His team was on the field before James' game. Didn't see you though. Hope he enjoyed it!