Monday, August 17, 2009

a quick review <---

Well, it has been a very odd week indeed. Last Saturday we attended a rather rainy family reunion. We still had a decent turnout but the activities were limited. I snuck out for a quick walk and scared a couple does and a mama deer, can you see them under the sign? I really need to get a new camera that zooms in better.

Late Saturday night we lost power and didn't get it back until Tuesday night. Thankfully you don't need electricity to declutter so I still managed to get my office cleaned up.

Tuesday I helped at Vacation Bible School, although there really wasn't much for me to do but it was fun to see the kids having fun.

Wednesday night I headed down to Livonia to go to a screening and meet with (or so I thought) a woman about editing a screenplay. Since Rob works right near there he met me at my Dad's, which was right around the corner from the library, to accompany me. When I got there the chick got weird about having 2 people on the comp. list and wanted us to pay for Rob. The whole situation was strange, she didn't even take time to talk to me when I brought writing samples and was there to offer my services for free. They couldn't even get the equipment working properly. After some discussion Rob and I left and went to get nachoes at Max & Erma's. Afterward we stopped back by my Dad's, had a quick cup of coffee, got Rob's car then I followed him over to the shop.

I had never been there before. The place is huge and Bill's collection of old slot machines were very cool. After the tour I checked some things online since I can't get on at home due to the modem on my computer getting fried. Then I called to check in with Alex and was met with a very sad and tearful girl. Apparently the boy "broke up" with her, right after they picked up their promise rings, even, how timely.

Rob spent the weekend checking things over and fixing what he could, taking a break out with the boys to blow a few things up. Now that's the way boys loosen up.

And me I am now officially a line dryer. I threated to put up a clothes line since the beginning of summer but now since the dryer got fired I had to get active.

So that's what's up with me. If anyone has a lead on a Free or Cheap electric stove, dryer, or laptop please let me know.
Ciao for now!


MICHELE said...

I enjoyed reading your post! You have a lot of "good" happening in your life.... except for the break-up.... maybe they'll get back together?


Lisa said...

I love hanging my clothes outside. Except when it gets cold. lol

Did you look on craigslist or freecycle?