Well, it has been a very odd week indeed. Last Saturday we attended a rather rainy family reunion. We still had a decent turnout but the activities were limited.
I snuck out for a quick walk and scared a couple does and a mama deer, can you see them under the sign? I really need to get a new camera that zooms in better.
Late Saturday night we lost power and didn't get it back until Tuesday night. Thankfully you don't need electricity to declutter so I still managed to get my office cleaned up.
Tuesday I helped at Vacation Bible School, although there really wasn't much for me to do but it was fun to see the kids having fun.
Wednesday night I headed down to Livonia to go to a screening and meet with (or so I thought) a woman about editing a screenplay. Since Rob works right near there he met me at my Dad's, which was right around the corner from the library, to accompany me. When I got there the chick got weird about having 2 people on the comp. list and wanted us to pay for Rob. The whole situation was strange, she didn't even take time to talk to me when I brought writing samples and was there to offer my services for free. They couldn't even get the equipment working properly. After some discussion Rob and I left and went to get nachoes at Max & Erma's. Afterward we stopped back by my Dad's, had a quick cup of coffee, got Rob's car then I followed him over to the shop.
Rob spent the weekend checking things over and fixing what he could, taking a break out with the boys to blow a few things up. Now that's the way boys loosen up.
And me I am now officially a line dryer. I threated to put up a clothes line since the beginning of summer but now since the dryer got fired I had to get active.
So that's what's up with me. If anyone has a lead on a Free or Cheap electric stove, dryer, or laptop please let me know.
I enjoyed reading your post! You have a lot of "good" happening in your life.... except for the break-up.... maybe they'll get back together?
I love hanging my clothes outside. Except when it gets cold. lol
Did you look on craigslist or freecycle?
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