Getting things together before back to school. The boys got haircuts today and I got some highlights and a boost on my color. Tomorrow all the kids have dentists appointments. Yesterday we took Jake to the groomer and now he looks and smells fabulous! You can see his 'I'm with stupid' arrow better now.
In between writing entries I am following in the obsessive fangirl footsteps of my friend Lisa and working my way through Keifer Sutherland's body of work. Last night I watched a Walt Disney production of 'The Three Musketeers' with Keifer, Charlie Sheen, Chris O'Donnell, and Oliver Platt (who I think should get a part on 24), they were all probably in their late twenties, just barely thirty when it was made. Wow.
Request for transcripts has been dropped off at the NBHS counselor's office and we got a few tips on financial aid from the secretary. Hopefully we'll get word soon but in the meantime Alex is going to start working on Fastweb.com to look for more scholarship money. She also needs to get her book for an Intro to Philosophy class at Mott Community College that starts the same week regular school starts.
Fox's Junior High Orientation is tomorrow evening.
Last night I took Ben to soccer practice over by the Imlay City schools and got the notion to sign up for substituting in that district as well. They go through the same company that North Branch does and I've already been fingerprinted and am registered to sub so the process should go pretty quickly. Hopefully between the two places I can get 2-3 days a week fairly regularly. I also discovered a new company (well, new to me) called Comfort Keepers that does non-medical care for the elderly. I grabbed a business card, the owner wasn't around when I was there but I have it on my list to call and see if he needs help. Possibly I could do that on a part-time basis as well.
Don't forget to run between the raindrops today!!
You should have Alex check out www.scholarships.com, too. Much better site than Fastweb.
She is on that also but I haven't heard her report back to me much about it, I'll have to ask her what's up.
I might be subbing this fall too, if neither Bob nor I has a real job. We'll see.....
I love doing my obsessive fangirl thing! Haven't done it in a while though.... Wonder why not!
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