I just wanted to present a quick defense about my recent obessession with the 24 series. Since about April we have not had any television in the house AT ALL. So we do not watch any regular programming the only stuff we watch are shows on dvd from Netflix. The fact that I have nothing else to watch has probably compounded my attraction to it. I suppose there are worse things I could watch, trust me I know, I write the description of tv shows on dvd for income. Lately I have been investigating getting Dish Network installed but I'm just not ready to take on more expenses right now, soon though, soon.

Getting a jump on the Friday Fill-In
1. I remember when life was less complicated.
2. Dear Brother, I want you to know you never cease to amaze me.
3. Is that my problem?
4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of stopping and buying a fountain drink since I already bought a coffee earlier.
5. I'm saving a seat just for you.
6. If I made a birthday list a new laptop would definately be on it!
7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having a LOT of writing work done, tomorrow my plans include hopefully going to cousin Sarah's BBQ, and Sunday, I want to finish the bulletin board at church.
How did you get hooked up with that income gig?
Sort of happened into it through a friend who hooked me up with the subcontracting originally back in 1995! Wanna try some?
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