1. Plans and schedules are made to be changed.
2. I'm happy when things fall into place naturally.
3. The last thing I drank was instant coffee with French Vanilla creamer.
4. One of the most valuable things in my life is my health.
5. I like pretty much everything on my pizza.
6. Dear November, how odd you are.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to makin’ bank, tomorrow my plans include a movie with the moms and Sunday, I want to rejoice as the kids choir ministers “God Will Be Exalted”!
Updates: I did a floating day on Tuesday at the elementary, started with a first grade, busy bunch but worked relatively well, then I went into Ethan's 3rd grade class for a short time and lastly I did a 2nd grade room, we worked on updating their science journals, they're growing seeds in bags, plus we had recess, time went pretty quickly. No major problems or disturbances in any class or maybe my tolerance is growing. Today I'll be in a 2nd grade room all day since Ms. Jen did not need me at the office today since they are all caught up on their duplicating and copying for the week. Also, I realized on my last check that I got paid more for a couple of the jobs I took, not sure why, but I'll just call me blessed and bank it!
Speaking of blessed: this finally arrived at our house this week. My dad bequeathed it to us a while ago but Rob had it 'stored' at the shop AND as a family Christmas gift my dad is hooking us up with Direct TV, installation should commence later this month.

What's up with the kids? Everyone is doing well although Ben is still experiencing some frustration in his classroom due to some unruly kids causing the entire class to be punished ie: don't get down to lunch on time or miss out on recess. I'm going to talk with the teachers about this at conferences which are coming up soon. Fox is rockin' and rollin' still holding all As and an A+ in Math and SeminAR. Ethan is getting a groove on with his spelling but needs to take more time with his AR tests, he's not always scoring high enough for his points to count. Alex is working diligently to keep up with her 'creative writing' assignments, we use the term loosely since the teacher still hasn't gotten a grip on what the word creative means, for their final assignment they're putting together a memoir. Alex used several poems in hers just to use some creativity. Good for her. She got another 85% on her second Philosophy quiz so she'll probably end of with a B in that class. The play goes into final production next week and performances start Thursday. Wooo.
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