Kids Fellowship was .... interesting. The kids were pretty charged up and I was a bit disapointed in the overall behavior. There wasn't anything major but just things that you think, really, did we have to go there? Like eating gross combinations (oreos dipped in ketchup), grabbing at the desserts like you've been stranded on a desert island and haven't eaten in five days,
running around the sanctuary and jumping off the platform over very expensive sound equipment, and throwing around prayer cloths like they were some sort of bomb. In addition, we experienced technical challenges getting the movie to run on the big screens, so to keep them settled down I started telling Knock, Knock jokes, then a couple kids had jokes, next thing you know we had a line of kids waiting to tell their joke on the mike. It was humorous for a while.
The fall play at NBHS, "Murder in the House of Horrors" was an audience participation piece. As you walked into the school, the hallway was set as a museum with exhibits featuring live people. Each station had a button that, if you pushed it, would set them in motion telling their history. The characters from the play were "milling about" the museum but they could only interact with you in character, I couldn't just go up and start talking to Alex as my daughter. It was cool, they also brought groups of attendees up on stage as if they were being taken on a tour of the Egyptian exhibit, which the topic of the play centered upon.
They also held a question and answer time with the audience to help the detective find out more abou the suspect and make sure he didn't miss anything. During the intermission members of museum security interviewed people about who they suspected to have commited the murder. Alex did well with her part as the "Egyptian bitch," and was especially notable in the improve segments.
The kids are on break from school already. Yesterday was a half day, I picked them up at dismissal and we motored down to see my bud Anna for haircuts. Yeah! I even got my color touched up (love it!), Ethan got his racing stripes, Fox did the "7th grade cut" again, Alex got hers trimmed and re-layered, and Ben decided to hold off on the buzz cut and just had her trim up the edges, keeping it longer on top. Everybody looks great, she's really is the Best Hairdresser Ever! I'll try to get a snap at Thanksgiving of the new-cut crew.
Have a fabulous Thanksgiving everyone, I'll be heading up to Big Rapids to feast at my brother's with a gangful of family. Peace, out!
1 comment:
The play sounds really amazing! I've never been to anything like that before.
I wanted to mention that I like your movie sidebar widget! Thinking of adding that myself. If I ever have time to tweak the blogs. No time lately.
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