My friend Penny gave me my first Blog Award! Thanks girlie, it takes one to know one!
Here are the stipulations that came with this award:
1. Choose 5 stand out blogs.... or as many as you desire.
1. Choose 5 stand out blogs.... or as many as you desire.
2. Thank the blogger who gave you this Award. (check)
3. Answer the questions below with only one word. Or two...or three...OK? Now do it!
Where is your phone? My office
Your hair? Short
Your Mother ? Healed
Your Father? Happy Birthday tomorrow!
Favorite food? Fresh
Your dream last night? Nothing memorable
Favorite drinks? Cherry Pepsi
Your dreams? Make Music
What room are you in? My office
Your hobby? Collaging
Your fear? Denied
Where do you want to be in six years? Grosse Pointe
Where were you last night? Home
Something you're not? Tall
Muffins? Yes, please.
Wish List Item? MacBook 13inch
Last thing you did? Alex's GVSU Housing Deposit
What are you wearing? Cothes
Your pets? Dog
Your friends? Priceless
Your life? In transition
Your mood? Good
Missing someone? the skinny me
Your vehicle? Ford Club Van
Something you're not wearing? Federick's of Hollywood
Your favour colour? Red
When was the last time you laughed? This morning (Thanks Ben)
Last time you cried? Yesterday, of gratitude
Your best friend? They're all the Best!
One place you go over and over? the library
One person that e-mails you? Mom
Favorite place to eat? Kyoto's
And my awards go to Lisa @ Cornerstone Home Learning, Sarah @ Teach a Fish, Michelle @ Smile, Wink, Nod, Penny of course, and Jennifer @ Great Commission Air!
1 comment:
Glad you like your award :)!
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