A homeschooling, self-employed mother's transition to public schooling, gainful employment, and personal enlightenment.
Since I probably won't be online tomorrow here is my Friday Fill-In:
1. When will my ship come in?
2. Mutant Message Down Under was a book that really impacted me.
3. Everything has its beauty but rainbows always amaze me.
4. Apple Cinnamon Pancakes is what I had for breakfast.
5. I'd like your attitude.
6. Not exactly sure where I want to be right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing Jeff Foxworthy at Pine Knob, tomorrow my plans include hopefully mowing the lawn, getting a new/used appliance or two from the Habitat for Humanity Store and Sunday, I want to vegitate!
Other highlights from the week:
getting my office almost completely organized
a motherload of fresh bush beans ripe for pickin'
several successful spelling lessons
going a few rounds with the teenager
working on getting Senior pictures scheduled
following up on a lead to edit a screeplay
Have a great weekend everybody!
and starting some 'get ahead' spelling assignments with Ben and Ethan, working with Explode-the-Code materials and spelling worksheets Mrs. Bodnar sent home for me. Originally I was going to have my mom tutor them but instead we're going to forge ahead on our own and I'll just consult with her if we need help decifering a particular rule.
Wish me luck!
Imagining it and actually putting it down on paper are two different things.
Seeing it and it actually happening are few and far between.
Making things happen and having things happen are very different means.
Believing in and hoping for are one in the same.
~byn There