Well my ‘vacation’ week certainly turned out to be interesting. With the boys away I thought it would be laid back, relaxing, productive, rejuvenating, but it didn’t quite pan out as I expected. Going under the guise that “everything happens for a reason” I suppose events worked out as they should even if it was a somewhat emotional roller coaster. It was good I could stay an extra day with my mother and be a buffer for her and my brother. It was also beneficial to be able to work on her hi-speed computer which helped me complete my editing work on time. I anticipated getting a lot more decluttering, organizing and cleaning done around the house but decided to cut my losses in some areas and save it for later. I did get the boys’ bathroom deep cleaned as well as giving their room a good going over (gotta clear out those little goodies under the beds and dressers every now and again). The rest of the house got a decent general cleaning but I still need to conquer once and for all my office and our second kitchen which is basically a big storage area for deal-with-later items. The weather was rather inclement this week so I didn’t really get out walking or riding other than one day at my mother’s. But the hammer dropped with the third phone conversation regarding the dating wannabes. Blame it on hormones maybe but I’m afraid my intensely presented satya (truthfulness) may not have helped matters and has brought my state of ahimsa (nonviolence) into serious jeopardy. Today I’m heading up to Port Austin to pick up the boys and I really hope we can have a fun time at the fireworks together as a family.

Friday Fill-In
1. When I heard Michael Jackson was dead I thought it was a hoax at first.
2. A merry heart is the best medicine.
3. It's late, but hopefully never too late.
4. Stay true to your heart always.
5. My eyes have seen far too many 24 episodes lately.
6. Sometimes I feel things to strongly.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having the boys back home again, tomorrow my plans include seeing the fireworks with the family and Sunday, I want to celebrate Ethan’s 8th birthday!
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