A homeschooling, self-employed mother's transition to public schooling, gainful employment, and personal enlightenment.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Here Comes the Sun (Lennon/McCartney)
Saturday the weather was gorgeous, perfect for the 4th. I unfortunately had a major case of the sleepies and not only slept in but napped. Rob puttered around getting the geothermal out line unclogged and started re-assessing the roofing needs for next weekend.
Early evening we headed up to North Branch and had some pizza, pop and cookies in Memorial Park, the boys played some nerf football catch and then we walked over to the high school football field to watch the fireworks. Alex had work 3-8 and met us up there with a few buddies in tow. All in all a pretty mellow 4th of July.
I'm a mother to four children, ages 23, 18, 16 and 14, have been married to the same man (their father Robert) for 24 years. I homeschooled for 16 years and fall '09 all the kids went into public school. I now spend my time involved with various kid and community activities, strive to maintain a lifestyle of healthy, organic eating and low-impact living, and work as a substitute teacher. This is my blog.
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