Last Wednesday I borrowed my father-in-law's truck so I could take some items to Care and Share (and pick up some new goodies), move some wood on the property and take a load for dumpster day on Saturday. After the dumpster run I loaded up the recycling and headed into Lapeer. I got there earlier than I usually do and was happy to see the joint was jumping. It is refreshing to know that so many people in the community are taking advantage of this program. For those in the Lapeer area that don't know on the first and third Saturday they collect tin, clear glass, 1 and 2 plastics in tub or screw neck bottle form, milk jugs need to be kept seperately now, newspapers, corrogated cardboard, and junkmail. The first collection is in the Lapeer Cinema's parking lot and the third week is at the Deerfield Twp. Hall. I need to find out about volunteering, they really seemed to be in need of more help at some of the stations.
After running some other errands I stopped back by the church to help take the excess from Care and Share to the Thrift Shop while others took tons of clothes to a facility in Flint. It was another great success this year with many, many people coming in to be blessed with free clothes, household items, furniture, appliances, baby items, toys, tools, etc. It always amazes me how much stuff is brought in and how much we always have left over. The amount of clothes that are dealt with each year is astounding, I don't understand why new clothes even need to be manufactured!
Wish I'd made it up to cAre and Share.
It sounds like you had a very rewarding weekend. Such a good feeling to recycle and donate things, isn't it?
Love the pic of Aunt Marge and your bro.
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