Friday Fill-In
1. I enjoy smooth peanut butter more than crunchy.
2. Blogging satisfies my need for appearing to be sane.
3. When I look at a full moon, I feel small but mightily hopeful.
4. If I want a snack, I usually reach for a cracker.
5. The most recent movie I saw, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button made me think differently about aging.
6. If only I had a nickel for every time I had to repeat myself.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Ethan’s baseball game, tomorrow my plans include a good long hike with the hubby and some editing work and Sunday, I want to have a great time with my Dad!
Other Happenings: Alex got a call yesterday from the BK manager saying that her work clothes had arrived, and went in to work her first shift 4-7p. She came home tired but happy. Her cousin Karl was one of the people who helped train her. And another happy report was the orthodontist said her teeth are looking great and she is definately going to get the braces off ahead of schedule! Woot! We still need to get a consult for oral surgery and to get a bridge made for her missing tooth. Very timely too because I just made consultation appointments for Fox and Ben to get a grip on their othodontic needs. Yeah!
My mother also called yesterday with a fabulous report that there are no changes in the small spots they have been monitoring so that is awesome. She goes in next week for a round of treatment then a week off and in for one more week of treatment. After that they wait eight weeks and take pictures again. I claim those next scans to be free and clear! IJN
The boys have been making a good dent in their summer reading hours and have almost reached the first goal of 5 hours which awards them a free ice cream cone. Benjamin has also been very busy writing a fantasy story in a small notebook he found. The Sims game takes up a lot of their time when we're actually home, they like playing god and starting a world from scratch.
Alex has picked up on my obsession with 24 and is just starting the second season. I finished the second season in two and a half days and boogied up to the North Branch Library to get Season 3 but it was checked out! Aaaah. I keep trying not to slip and tell what has happened to Alex before she watches it. But I've got to find out what happens to President Palmer!
May your weekend be blessed beyond compare!
Sierra will be getting her retainer complete with flipper in 6 months or so. Seeing her with a full set of teeth will be weird lol.
Glad Alex got her job underway. I wanted to say too that she and her friend Caleb look adorable in that pic.
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