Wednesday was a great day we had fun googling over the baby. All the boys got a chance to hold him, and Evan put up with it for the most part but was starting to get a little cranky at times. But he's so cute, who cares.

It was good to see how Duke the dog is too, that crazy hound. Megan made me feel a little better about Alex getting accepted in Grand Valley. I've been stressing a bit over it since she is still working to get the grade cleaned up. We ended the trimester with only one C, one A, the rest some form of a B. I feel more assured Alex can get in but since she is still hoping to finance everything with grants or scholarships it is still important to have high marks.
From our visit we headed down to Rochester and hit the Rochester Hills Public Library, one of our favorite places on earth. I found a plethera of information on greening up your home and lifestyle. One of my goals is to do something every week to make the house more green and energy efficient. My first project being to put up a clothesline. Fox and I are also starting to research wind power because we think turbine power would work really well at our location.
They were starting their summer reading program that day so all the boys signed up as independent readers. I love the way they run their program, there are lots of incentive along the way for how many hours they read (ie: free ice cream cone, happy meal, chances to get in drawings for awesome prizes), there are also other little contests throughout the summer to earn extra chances in the drawings and lots of events and activities. They were kicking off the evening with a free concert. So after gymnastics we stopped back and caught the last hour of Planet Dino a fabulous jazz/blues/big band with some wonderful male vocalists featured as well.
It was nearly 11pm by the time we got back to the house but it was a full and fantastic day.
FRIDAY FILL-IN (I actually did the one from today)
1. I grew up thinking I’d be rich and famous.
2. Mapquest was the last website I was at before coming here.
3. Why don't you just relax?
4. Yoga helps me relax.
5. Thanks for the inspiration.
6. People trying to dictate how you raise your child can be very off-putting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the blessed nuptials of Pastor Andrew Kluck and Ms. Alicia Wells, tomorrow my plans include helping at a boys gymnastics clinic in Hartland and Sunday, I want to complete the clinic, come home, and pass out!
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