Nietzsche ->
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Last post for June
Nietzsche ->
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday Again!
2. When I take a walk, I think about as little as possible.
3. Money can't buy happiness but it can make things more interesting.
4. Cotton makes me cool and leather makes me hot.
5. The strangest person/character I've had lewd thoughts about was … hmm, I think I’d rather not say.
6. My favorite color these days is purple because it’s deep, rich, vibrant, and I look nice in it.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to hangin’ at the homestead, tomorrow my plans include my brother’s blow-out Deck Party and Sunday, I want to recover from the party and chill!
I took these shots on our walk last weekend and had some fun with my editing program. And now I leave you with one of my favorite writings.
Go placidly amid the noise and haste
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant,
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others
you may become vain and bitter for always
there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career however humble
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business alliances for the world is full of trickery
but let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love
for in the face of all adversity and disenchantment
it is perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the course of the years
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with imaginings;
many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
do not doubt that the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God
whatever you conceive him to be
and whatever your labors and aspirations
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its shame, drudgery, and broken dreams
it is still a beautiful world.
Be careful.
Strive to be happy.
~Max Ehrmann 1927

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Biking - Baseball - BFF

Monday, June 22, 2009
Super Sunday!

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Ready, Hike!

Friday, June 19, 2009
Fillin' In on Happenings

Friday Fill-In
1. I enjoy smooth peanut butter more than crunchy.
2. Blogging satisfies my need for appearing to be sane.
3. When I look at a full moon, I feel small but mightily hopeful.
4. If I want a snack, I usually reach for a cracker.
5. The most recent movie I saw, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button made me think differently about aging.
6. If only I had a nickel for every time I had to repeat myself.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Ethan’s baseball game, tomorrow my plans include a good long hike with the hubby and some editing work and Sunday, I want to have a great time with my Dad!
Other Happenings: Alex got a call yesterday from the BK manager saying that her work clothes had arrived, and went in to work her first shift 4-7p. She came home tired but happy. Her cousin Karl was one of the people who helped train her. And another happy report was the orthodontist said her teeth are looking great and she is definately going to get the braces off ahead of schedule! Woot! We still need to get a consult for oral surgery and to get a bridge made for her missing tooth. Very timely too because I just made consultation appointments for Fox and Ben to get a grip on their othodontic needs. Yeah!
My mother also called yesterday with a fabulous report that there are no changes in the small spots they have been monitoring so that is awesome. She goes in next week for a round of treatment then a week off and in for one more week of treatment. After that they wait eight weeks and take pictures again. I claim those next scans to be free and clear! IJN
The boys have been making a good dent in their summer reading hours and have almost reached the first goal of 5 hours which awards them a free ice cream cone. Benjamin has also been very busy writing a fantasy story in a small notebook he found. The Sims game takes up a lot of their time when we're actually home, they like playing god and starting a world from scratch.
Alex has picked up on my obsession with 24 and is just starting the second season. I finished the second season in two and a half days and boogied up to the North Branch Library to get Season 3 but it was checked out! Aaaah. I keep trying not to slip and tell what has happened to Alex before she watches it. But I've got to find out what happens to President Palmer!
May your weekend be blessed beyond compare!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Slipping into Summer

As for me, I've been staying up late watching 24, and working on an editing project during the day. We were hoping to get a bike ride in today if the rain decides to take a break. Even if our ride is posponed, I and my plants welcome the hydration. Upon Alexandra's prompting to stop eating red meat, the rest of us have substantially cut down our red meat intake as well; we're going into our tenth week. She still eats fowl and fish plus I am testing out some totally meatless meals. In support of my green efforts I am also working in cookless meals to save energy. But the best benefit, my pants are feeling loose again and my energy is lifting, even with the late night 24 sessions!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends and don't forget to run between the raindrops!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Coupling - Clinic - Confrontation

BK & Other Updates: Apparently it can take a while for the work clothes to come in. We're still waiting. Ironically as we celebrated the virgin wedding my daughter and myself were being confronted from many sides because she is 'dating' a young man from our church. This is seriously frowned upon by the youth leadership as they preach purity ad nauseum and don't hesitate dictating to the kids their hard set philosophies. At this point Alex and Caleb only talk on the phone, text, or see each other in church. He lives in Burton and does not drive, she does not have her own car. They have never gone anywhere alone together. I like this young man and do not mind them sharing a friendship and getting to know each other better. The fact that everyone is on their case trying to make them break up is just making them more determined to stay together. Honestly if they would have just let it go, things probably would have fizzled out after a couple weeks like it did with the other BOIs (boy of interest). Am I a bad mother because this isn't a concern to me? At least she likes someone who goes to church not some druggie, rebel rouser. His parents have been very inconsistent in their views one minute saying he can do something then the next renigging, if I were him I'd be getting ticked off too. Now they are sending him to a Christian camp for 2 weeks, they said if he goes then when he returns he can have his phone back and date Alex with their consent. We'll see.....
Friday, June 12, 2009
Baby - Book - Big Band
It was nearly 11pm by the time we got back to the house but it was a full and fantastic day.
FRIDAY FILL-IN (I actually did the one from today)
1. I grew up thinking I’d be rich and famous.
2. Mapquest was the last website I was at before coming here.
3. Why don't you just relax?
4. Yoga helps me relax.
5. Thanks for the inspiration.
6. People trying to dictate how you raise your child can be very off-putting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the blessed nuptials of Pastor Andrew Kluck and Ms. Alicia Wells, tomorrow my plans include helping at a boys gymnastics clinic in Hartland and Sunday, I want to complete the clinic, come home, and pass out!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Getting Our Groove On
Monday we also got our summer over to a good start by getting in a 6 mile bike ride on the Macomb Orchard Trail in between rain storms. The legs were a little woobly but it felt good to ride. We took the bikes down in the truck to leave at my in-laws in Rochester because we can pick up a lot of the trails near their house and right now since we don't have a van I can't transport all four of our bikes at one time.
Tuesday I took Fox up for his sports physical so he can participate in cross country in the Fall and he was blessed with his first hernia exam. I did warn him before we went that the doctor may do the 'turn-your-head-and-cough' procedure but I wasn't sure. So at least he wasn't totally shocked. He survived and came home to report to Ben and Ethan about it. Too funny!
Today we're off to visit my new mom cousin and baby Evan before we head into Rochester for gymnastics.
Below are a few of my favorite finds from Care and Share:
25 yards of decorative border
(I feel a bathroom makeover coming on!)
This cute table lamp
a pair of excellent condition Fila cross trainers
and my favorite find of the year....
these super cute Candies! Looks like they were never worn. I tested them out Sunday and they're even comfortable. Definately a keeper!
Monday, June 08, 2009
Lapeer Recycling Going Strong!

Friday, June 05, 2009
Graduation - Fill-In - Friends
2. My children’s future (especially Alex’s collegiate endeavors) is something I wonder about often lately.
3. In your heart, you knew somehow everything would work out right.
4. Take teenagers (who are now officially seniors), add a little text messaging and you end up with hopefully not a massive bash in my backyard!
5. Life has gifted me with an appreciation for the simpler things.
6. A hot bubble bath + candles + incense is an instant vacation.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to overcoming the itchy eyes, sneezing & runny nose that comes with grass cutting, tomorrow my plans include dumpster day, recycling day, & garden projects and Sunday, I want to go to church, sit my butt in a chair, and enjoy service while not being in charge of anything!

Ethan ended the school year off by bringing a friend home on the bus to play for the afternoon since it was a half day. He and Cade are having a great time playing outdoors and in until it is time to go up to the fields for tonight's baseball game. They seem to get along really well. We tried to invite Ben's buddy Kyle over too but didn't quite get things together.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Final days '09
It is also a good thing that we are all now held accountable, myself included. I am a pretty laid back person and had a fairly unschooled approach with the kids. This worked very well with Alexandra, she learned things by osmosis, not even realizing we were doing lessons. It was just a natural part of the day. Fox did well under this system as well but as the numbers grew and we needed to delve into more complex concepts things started to get beyond my laid back control. Although Fox went in working at his grade level or beyond, I found with Ethan he was not at grade level with all subjects. Putting him in at this point was a good thing before he got really behind. Helping them with assignments at home, researching, putting projects together, signing permission slips, etc. I can certainly handle with gladness, knowing that someone else is steering the ship. It is not my time to be captain at this point but I'll be a fabulous crew member and supporter with an utmost appreciation for all that teachers do and the impact they have on our young people.
I'm still looking into finding my career and have started to get a sneaking suspicion it may entail working with children in a formal setting, either that or getting involved in some type of 'green' enterprise. Time will tell but for now I'll enjoy the summer and look forward to a new school year filled with fun, challenges, and great achievements.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Walk - Wedding - Wowed 'Em!
Saturday was a full day, Ben had his last soccer game at 9:30am. Rob and Ethan went over to Optimist Field for that while I ran to Meijer to do some grocery shopping. They won 6-2 and Ben got in for a decent amount of play time, plus his buddy Michael from his old team finally got a chance to be goalie which he loves to do and is pretty decent at it.
We went home, unpacked groceries, had a quickie lunch and got ready to head down to Detroit. Alex held down the fort with the boys while Rob and I attended my cousin Vince's wedding at the Historic Trinity Lutheran Church. Below is a snap of he and his lovely wife Bernadette heading out after the ceremony.