Friday, May 22, 2009

Fill-In - Recycle Center

1. The last meal I had at a restaurant was chicken alfredo at Max & Erma’s on Mother’s Day.
2. Excessive cell phone usage is something I intensely dislike.
3. The full moon can cause some pretty strange happenings.
4. ‘Go Broncos!’ is one of my favorite local expressions.
5. Sometimes it's best to just smile and nod.
6. The Soloist is the best movie I've seen so far this year! (Robert Downy Jr. & Jamie Foxx are fabulous!)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going nowhere, tomorrow my plans include deck project, yard work and writing more entries and Sunday, I want to prepare for our next Seeds of Jesus outreach with the kids!

Here is how I have my recycling organized for the moment. All types of plastic bags go in the top drawer, flattened product boxes go in the bottom drawer. Small paper scraps and food packaging go in the plastic basket to mix into compost. Items that our recycling takes go in the paper bag to be taken out to the garage for sorting (boys' job), the blue plastic basket makes for easier carrying and allows the paper bag to last longer. 4/5/6 plastics are in the recepticle behind, these are usually smaller, tops mostly and some containers. For food waste there are two levels, one for scraps the chickens can eat, basically anything except meat, pits, and bones. Then the other is for mostly meat scraps, bones, rinds, thick stalks, and pits.

The most challenging thing now is to get the family trained. For the past couple weeks I started reminding the kids that more things can go in recycling but I still 'rescued' a lot of things. They are getting better. This week I made the bold move and "took away" the main garbage. Rather I moved it to a different location so you have to think before you throw away and see if it can go in one of these other categories first. I also reused a large dog food bag in the 'not recyclable' garbage. My cousin (Shout out to Megan!) has been an inspiration to me by not buying regular garbage bags AT ALL. She only reuses store bags and large bags from purchased products. So there you have the basics for now, I have more to comment but must run to get ready for sub-teaching today.

Happy Memorial Weekend All!


MICHELE said...

I am really super-duper interested in your recycling plan. This is something I'd love to begin doing. I will be following your advice share everything!!!!


Lisa said...

Wow on the recycling! And I'll have to check out The Soloist.