1) Benny’s handiwork: getting this vegetable plot weeded. I left the fence up from last year. We had pole beans on it; on one end I threw in some snow pea seeds I found around here, not sure how old they are or if they will grow. I’m thinking of trying Luffa Gourds again on the other end.
2) Remember that picture of the chives just popping up after a long winter, well here’s Mama Chive and a couple chivettes!
3) The Hosta section I got cleaned up and added some Astilbes to.
4) Ironically the other Hosta section that I was able to put landscape material and mulch down around last year is not emerging as quickly as the other plot.
5) These plants are barely poking up, perhaps because they were newly transferred last season.
6) Massive Mound of Tarragon
7) Lilacs waiting to bloom
8) I love these spring perennials, although the name escapes me at the moment.
9) A young Lupine, just planted last year, hoping it will flower this summer.
10) Our swamp pond is experiencing some major flooding; I don’t ever remember the water being up this high into the yard before.
I love seeing which perennials are going to spring up each year, since I am a perennial collector of sorts, rarely buying them unless for a fundraiser or crazy markdown-can’t-resist-sale. Whenever I see them leafing up or in full bloom it reminds of the people and places where I acquired the plants from, many have come from aunts, parents, friends, schools, churches, and a few roadsides. Several times when people have moved I was invited to come over and pull whatever I wanted from their garden before the new people came in. I miss those people and visiting their houses but all have moved on to better situations in their lives; a refreshing and comforting recollection.
May your Monday be Merry!
2) Remember that picture of the chives just popping up after a long winter, well here’s Mama Chive and a couple chivettes!
3) The Hosta section I got cleaned up and added some Astilbes to.
4) Ironically the other Hosta section that I was able to put landscape material and mulch down around last year is not emerging as quickly as the other plot.
5) These plants are barely poking up, perhaps because they were newly transferred last season.
6) Massive Mound of Tarragon
7) Lilacs waiting to bloom
8) I love these spring perennials, although the name escapes me at the moment.
9) A young Lupine, just planted last year, hoping it will flower this summer.
10) Our swamp pond is experiencing some major flooding; I don’t ever remember the water being up this high into the yard before.
I love seeing which perennials are going to spring up each year, since I am a perennial collector of sorts, rarely buying them unless for a fundraiser or crazy markdown-can’t-resist-sale. Whenever I see them leafing up or in full bloom it reminds of the people and places where I acquired the plants from, many have come from aunts, parents, friends, schools, churches, and a few roadsides. Several times when people have moved I was invited to come over and pull whatever I wanted from their garden before the new people came in. I miss those people and visiting their houses but all have moved on to better situations in their lives; a refreshing and comforting recollection.
May your Monday be Merry!
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