Monday, March 02, 2009


Rob made it back from his trip to South America without complications thankfully and was successful in completing the machine upgrade. Although he is a) not much of a photographer in general and b) oblivious to the photographic implications of blogging, he did find a moment to take a few snaps for me.

These first few are from his hotel window. Quito is at a pretty high elevation and is surrounded by volcanos but it is hard to see them through the clouds. When he first arrived everyone warned him about not eating too much and not over extending himself physically because of the altitude but he said he really did not have any problems acclimating.

This is Juan's yard and house who owns the shop Rob was working at. He was a very gracious host and is most proud of his city and country. In fact an invitation was extended to Rob and myself to come back and visit so he could show us the sites more.

Another shot of Juan's backyard and then the nighttime lights in Quito.
As I said he's not much of a photog. Juan tried to take Rob to the Equator park but unfortunately they arrived as the guard was locking up for the night so they did not get to see the monument that sits on the equator so we'll have to see that on our trip together.

Rob said there was a great juxtiposition throughout the area, from incredible high rises to grossly povertous areas. But because his host was so proud of his town he did not feel right taking pictures of the desolate scenes.

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