1. I'm filling out school enrollment forms because, I'm putting the boys in school for the last trimester and, I hope my homeschooling friends won't shun me.
2. Why do I have desire and not ambition.
3. How does this teenage parenting thing work, anyway?
4. Every morning, I put clothes on my body.
5. I consider myself lucky because I haven't killed anyone in my various states of hormonal insanity.
6. One day we’ll see if all this was worth it.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to being home after running myself ragged all week, tomorrow my plans include conducting a Worship Arts workshop at Lapeer Community Church and Sunday, I want to see my husband again!
If your homeschooling friends shun you for doing what is right for you, then they weren't your friends at all. Just my humble opinion...
I love you and all your hormonal states,
Penny \IiiI
Teenage parenting - yikes. I had a heck of a day yesterday with the teen. I won't shun you, although I will tell you honestly I don't understand your decision. But it's yours, not mine. :-) So glad your husband will return soon!
Well, I won't shun you...EVER! You're just being honest with yourself and continuing to do what is best for those boys! I admire your courage! I will certainly miss you. And, if for some reason public school doesn't work out... we have the freedom to bring them home again.
Hugs, Mich.
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