What a fabulous sunny Saturday, although it is a bit windy out there. The temperature has risen from the barely above zero figures we had been getting, reaching around the 40 degree mark. Whenever the weather makes drastic ebbs and flows I can't help but to ponder the ebbs and flows in our own lives. The hots and colds, highs and lows, beginnings and ends, right turns, and left behinds. I've always admired "stay the course" people, those who remain at a job for 30+ years, married for decades, or live in a house until they pay off the mortgage. My kindred spirit seems to take issue with stay the course, not to say that I have no longevity whatsoever. I just need to do something different and break out of the old rut when I feel like I'm getting in one. Sometimes the only thing I can do is rearrange the funiture in my house, but just that change will make me feel better. I've gone through many phases and changes thus far in my life as I begin to creep up onto middle age. I plan to live until my 112th birthday so I'm not even at midway yet! But I am excited for change, in the seasons, economy, country, for my children, my marriage, my community, for those who need hope, and those that are ready to take advantage of opportunity. Hearing about all the loss of jobs, houses, etc. people have this attitude of an end, but we need to look at this transition as a time of new beginnings. A chance to look for new options, shift to a different gear, and function with fresh knowledge and competence.
So true! I hope this down-time in our economy leads to great new innovations!
I agree- change is not always a bad thing. Even when it seems that way at first. During these tough economic times I've learned to thank God even for the tough stuff and to have faith and be joyful always.
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