Monday, March 16, 2009
No high school bus run due to Chicken Pox. Woke the boys a little late, Ben jumped in for a shower while the other two yawned away and got dressed. Made the boys scrambled eggs and sausage, got all their notes and papers ready, made a lunch for Fox who opted out of the hot lunch selections, did a backpack check, loaded everyone in the car and missed the bus. I thought I heard the sound of the bus when we were getting in the car. Came back up to the house, called in sick for Alex, brushed my teeth, grabbed my purse, and ran the boys up to school. Stopped by the North Branch library to jump on the computer and do a blog post and check email since my computer at home is still being weird then stopped by the doctor’s office about bringing Alex in so she can get an excused slip for school and get her assignments. Returned home to some very angry chickens that I totally forgot about feeding; got them fed, 3 eggs today. Thank you ladies! Washed dishes and got the kitchen back together while listening to Kitaro “Spiritual Garden”. Rob even made a comment how clean the house was when he got home last Friday. Yes, clutter and chaos are no longer welcome here, slowly but surely it is on the way out! Called the orthodontist to change Alex’s appointment. Wrote a few entries and got some distributor codes inputted. Putzed around with laundry and trying to get the chickens back in the pen after free ranging. Doctor’s office called I can bring Alex up at 9am tomorrow. Went up to get the boys, had to send Fox back into the building two times because he forgot his trumpet and then his backpack! By the time we got over to Elm Creek, Ethan and Ben were waiting in the office for me. As we were getting in the car I realized I forgot to grab Ethan’s gymnastics outfit, we were going to go straight down to Rochester and the boys were gonna hang at the library again but since we had to go back home Fox decided he’d rather stay so that meant Ben had to also because I wasn’t going to leave him at the library alone. We got two new games from Gamefly in the mail that day so it wasn’t such a bad trade off. Grabbed a quick snack at the house, Ethan changed and we headed out. Stopped by the Rochester library and jumped on the computer to check email and take care of a few things online, and made it to GTC by 6:05pm. Practice went pretty well, afterward we ran into Meijer and grabbed some breakfasty stuff and a few items to fill out dinners. Got home about 10pm. Ethan hit the hay and I watched “The Bucket List” while folding laundry.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Strawberries and toast or cereal for breakfast. Today was Fox’s shower morning. Got the boys on the bus, came back up to the house, woke up Alex, took care of the chickens (I got 5 eggs total today but not all in the am), grabbed a quick cup of coffee, brushed my teeth and went up to the doctor’s office. Alex had to wait in the car until they called her then she snuck in with a hoodie pulled over her face like some kinda gansta. I asked her if I could take a pox picture for posterity but was met with a high pitched ‘No.’ Got that over with, ran the note by the school and popped in to make a plea for Alex with Mr. Sorenson to let her keep her role in ‘Nit Wits’ that is going up for performance next week. He said he’d have to see if he could find someone to replace her. She is crushed, we’re hoping no one can fill her shoes and she can step back in by the weekend. Hit the NB library and got a couple more movies then back home. Alex watched ‘Eagle Eye’ and played some Guitar Hero. I did some writing work for children’s church and a little work online but it was so beautiful outside I just kept going out and walking around the property assessing all that needs to be done in the gardens and yard. Took a few pictures then messed around with those. Cleaned a little, looked at some magazines, hiked to the back of the property again, walked down to get the mail and meet the boys off the bus. Everyone had a good report. Ben is loving getting grades and reported he got two As, a B, and a B+. Fox had high marks on his reading comprehensive tests and told us about some things he learned today about Cuba and dictatorship. Ethan didn’t have much to say about the day. Ben had Michigan History in the evening; next week will be our last class.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cereal or Cream of Wheat today! Got everybody on the bus, took care of chickens, did a few things on the computer then headed over to the church to work. On the way I stopped by the ortho to make a payment, and dropped off Fox’s band books to St. Paul School. Afterward I ran up to North Branch to get Alex’s assignments from the high school then picked the boys up from their schools. Ran into Ethan’s classroom to make sure he was bringing everything home. His desk is a mess, he is really struggling with the spelling they are working on, they are way past where we were at home. He is getting the hang of the Rocket Math timed tests (+/-). Writing is still very immature and labored. I stopped by the house to give Alex her work and for everyone to grab a quick bite. Ethan said he had a headache and didn’t feel good. He felt warm and the thermometer confirmed a slight fever. Called into the gym, no gymnastics tonight. The boys watched a couple shows then Fox practiced and did some reading, I quizzed Ben on his Six Times Tables, he needs to work up his speed on multiplication facts. He did some reading also. Ethan and I looked at his homework packet together then he jumped in the tub to cool off. Ben is also struggling with his spelling, we were doing Explode-the-Code book 3 which was still only 5 letter words, they are currently working on compound words in his class. Fox seems to be right on target with what he’s working on, no troubles; just trying to remembering to turn in, bring home, or get signed things. Let the chickens free range for a while today, Ben gathered 3 eggs after school.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ben and Fox did quick morning baths then had some bananas and peanut butter. Ethan woke up with a fever still. Even though I hate to have him miss school I decided to err on the side of caution and keep him home. He is a little overwhelmed with the work load. I am feeling I did him and Ben a disservice not keeping them in last year. It was probably a good thing they are in for this last trimester so I know what we should work on over the summer to have them feel more comfortable with the material for the next grade. I knew they were getting behind but I didn’t realize how much. Of course, part of homeschooling is so that kids can progress at a different pace but our pace was always ahead not behind. I don’t like knowing they are delayed in achieving what they are more than capable of. Alex is done “postulating” so I am going to let her sneak up to rehearsal for a short time. He didn’t have anyone to take over her part so she’s still in! But first she is working on her AP English assignments, cleaning the bathroom, and organizing CDs. Brought the chickens in from ranging and checked the coop thinking there wouldn’t be anything but there were 4 eggs! Ethan still had a fever after napping (101.1). Said he felt fine though. Ben brought some work home for him, we looked at it together and I helped him with the directions. It took less than an hour for it to be completed. When Fox and Ben got home from school, we had something to eat, Fox practiced and I quizzed Ben on his spelling words (he got all his 6 facts correct on the quiz!) then when Alex got back from practice I took them over to Meijer to get some fish for an aqua-terra habitat they are making. Fox’s class made these in groups last trimester and have been measuring and recording how the environment is holding up. Fox was inspired to create his own. He also got to choose two of the habitats made in class to write a comparison paper about. He said he picked two really different set ups to discuss. Got back just in time for bedtime.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ethan was home with fever again. Alex home also. I took care of some things in town then worked on getting the house cleaned up.
No high school bus run due to Chicken Pox. Woke the boys a little late, Ben jumped in for a shower while the other two yawned away and got dressed. Made the boys scrambled eggs and sausage, got all their notes and papers ready, made a lunch for Fox who opted out of the hot lunch selections, did a backpack check, loaded everyone in the car and missed the bus. I thought I heard the sound of the bus when we were getting in the car. Came back up to the house, called in sick for Alex, brushed my teeth, grabbed my purse, and ran the boys up to school. Stopped by the North Branch library to jump on the computer and do a blog post and check email since my computer at home is still being weird then stopped by the doctor’s office about bringing Alex in so she can get an excused slip for school and get her assignments. Returned home to some very angry chickens that I totally forgot about feeding; got them fed, 3 eggs today. Thank you ladies! Washed dishes and got the kitchen back together while listening to Kitaro “Spiritual Garden”. Rob even made a comment how clean the house was when he got home last Friday. Yes, clutter and chaos are no longer welcome here, slowly but surely it is on the way out! Called the orthodontist to change Alex’s appointment. Wrote a few entries and got some distributor codes inputted. Putzed around with laundry and trying to get the chickens back in the pen after free ranging. Doctor’s office called I can bring Alex up at 9am tomorrow. Went up to get the boys, had to send Fox back into the building two times because he forgot his trumpet and then his backpack! By the time we got over to Elm Creek, Ethan and Ben were waiting in the office for me. As we were getting in the car I realized I forgot to grab Ethan’s gymnastics outfit, we were going to go straight down to Rochester and the boys were gonna hang at the library again but since we had to go back home Fox decided he’d rather stay so that meant Ben had to also because I wasn’t going to leave him at the library alone. We got two new games from Gamefly in the mail that day so it wasn’t such a bad trade off. Grabbed a quick snack at the house, Ethan changed and we headed out. Stopped by the Rochester library and jumped on the computer to check email and take care of a few things online, and made it to GTC by 6:05pm. Practice went pretty well, afterward we ran into Meijer and grabbed some breakfasty stuff and a few items to fill out dinners. Got home about 10pm. Ethan hit the hay and I watched “The Bucket List” while folding laundry.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Strawberries and toast or cereal for breakfast. Today was Fox’s shower morning. Got the boys on the bus, came back up to the house, woke up Alex, took care of the chickens (I got 5 eggs total today but not all in the am), grabbed a quick cup of coffee, brushed my teeth and went up to the doctor’s office. Alex had to wait in the car until they called her then she snuck in with a hoodie pulled over her face like some kinda gansta. I asked her if I could take a pox picture for posterity but was met with a high pitched ‘No.’ Got that over with, ran the note by the school and popped in to make a plea for Alex with Mr. Sorenson to let her keep her role in ‘Nit Wits’ that is going up for performance next week. He said he’d have to see if he could find someone to replace her. She is crushed, we’re hoping no one can fill her shoes and she can step back in by the weekend. Hit the NB library and got a couple more movies then back home. Alex watched ‘Eagle Eye’ and played some Guitar Hero. I did some writing work for children’s church and a little work online but it was so beautiful outside I just kept going out and walking around the property assessing all that needs to be done in the gardens and yard. Took a few pictures then messed around with those. Cleaned a little, looked at some magazines, hiked to the back of the property again, walked down to get the mail and meet the boys off the bus. Everyone had a good report. Ben is loving getting grades and reported he got two As, a B, and a B+. Fox had high marks on his reading comprehensive tests and told us about some things he learned today about Cuba and dictatorship. Ethan didn’t have much to say about the day. Ben had Michigan History in the evening; next week will be our last class.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cereal or Cream of Wheat today! Got everybody on the bus, took care of chickens, did a few things on the computer then headed over to the church to work. On the way I stopped by the ortho to make a payment, and dropped off Fox’s band books to St. Paul School. Afterward I ran up to North Branch to get Alex’s assignments from the high school then picked the boys up from their schools. Ran into Ethan’s classroom to make sure he was bringing everything home. His desk is a mess, he is really struggling with the spelling they are working on, they are way past where we were at home. He is getting the hang of the Rocket Math timed tests (+/-). Writing is still very immature and labored. I stopped by the house to give Alex her work and for everyone to grab a quick bite. Ethan said he had a headache and didn’t feel good. He felt warm and the thermometer confirmed a slight fever. Called into the gym, no gymnastics tonight. The boys watched a couple shows then Fox practiced and did some reading, I quizzed Ben on his Six Times Tables, he needs to work up his speed on multiplication facts. He did some reading also. Ethan and I looked at his homework packet together then he jumped in the tub to cool off. Ben is also struggling with his spelling, we were doing Explode-the-Code book 3 which was still only 5 letter words, they are currently working on compound words in his class. Fox seems to be right on target with what he’s working on, no troubles; just trying to remembering to turn in, bring home, or get signed things. Let the chickens free range for a while today, Ben gathered 3 eggs after school.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ben and Fox did quick morning baths then had some bananas and peanut butter. Ethan woke up with a fever still. Even though I hate to have him miss school I decided to err on the side of caution and keep him home. He is a little overwhelmed with the work load. I am feeling I did him and Ben a disservice not keeping them in last year. It was probably a good thing they are in for this last trimester so I know what we should work on over the summer to have them feel more comfortable with the material for the next grade. I knew they were getting behind but I didn’t realize how much. Of course, part of homeschooling is so that kids can progress at a different pace but our pace was always ahead not behind. I don’t like knowing they are delayed in achieving what they are more than capable of. Alex is done “postulating” so I am going to let her sneak up to rehearsal for a short time. He didn’t have anyone to take over her part so she’s still in! But first she is working on her AP English assignments, cleaning the bathroom, and organizing CDs. Brought the chickens in from ranging and checked the coop thinking there wouldn’t be anything but there were 4 eggs! Ethan still had a fever after napping (101.1). Said he felt fine though. Ben brought some work home for him, we looked at it together and I helped him with the directions. It took less than an hour for it to be completed. When Fox and Ben got home from school, we had something to eat, Fox practiced and I quizzed Ben on his spelling words (he got all his 6 facts correct on the quiz!) then when Alex got back from practice I took them over to Meijer to get some fish for an aqua-terra habitat they are making. Fox’s class made these in groups last trimester and have been measuring and recording how the environment is holding up. Fox was inspired to create his own. He also got to choose two of the habitats made in class to write a comparison paper about. He said he picked two really different set ups to discuss. Got back just in time for bedtime.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ethan was home with fever again. Alex home also. I took care of some things in town then worked on getting the house cleaned up.
1 comment:
I love this entry!
Really enjoyed reading ALL OF IT.
Keep it up friend...
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