Tuesday, February 24, 2009

True Story

So Rob is supposed to be in Ecudor by now.
I told him to call when he got to Miami and just let us know he's ok that far because we didn't know if he'd be able to call once he got in Quito.
There was a message from him when we got back from band saying he was at the incredibly insane Miami airport and would board for Quito in about 45 minutes.
By evening I still haven't heard from him that he is there.
I have the number for the hotel but it's been a while since I've called international, I know you need some type of intl code.
So I hit zero on the phone for the operator to ask the international code.
She inquires who my long distance provider is.
I told her Verizon.
"Ok, let me connect you with them and see if they can help you."
~annoying tones~
I'm sorry your call can not be completed as dialed
please hang up and call the operator for assistance.
I thought that's what I Was DOING!


MICHELE said...

I hope you're able to get through.

Texan Zombie Goddess said...

Even the helpers need help lol.

Hope you get through soon :)!
