I've been thinking a lot lately about why I decided to home school. For us it had nothing to do with religion, which is unusual. Most families make the choice because of religious principles. Basically, I just really wanted to be part of the process of seeing them learn. I had no desire to pack my daughter up and send her off on the school bus at five years old. I really enjoyed surveying the world and learning new things and pointing out all the marvelous creations and operations in nature. Rob and I both love to read. We always read to the children since they were born and then as they got older they read to each other. The first thing we bought when we found out we were pregnant with Alexandra was a book. A chapter book! The Phantom Tollbooth. We both thought it was one of the best books we ever read as a kid. When I only had Alexandra we did tons of classes and activities, even when Fox came along we still hit the road a lot. But as the number grew to now four, and three boys at home to boot. The challenge to keep them directed is reaching beyond me. I've surveyed, discussed, researched, reminded, planned, reprimanded, directed, and co-ordinated my fair share and then some. It's ok to want a break, right? As much as I once longed for that togetherness, I have reached a point where I need some down time from policing three boys all day. And it becomes apparent to me now that it would probably do them some good to be apart from each other, have a change of scenery and different experiences to talk about. Schooling takes a lot of time and when you're working from home at the same time you're constantly trying to multi-task. But as they get higher up in grade levels there is more required of them and me as the teacher. I really want to be able to work and contribute financially to my household. But I'm not having enough hours in the day to get it all done. I try to rebuke the guilt of thinking I would be using the school system as a babysitter.
Photo circa 2002.
Down the stack is Alexandra, Fox Robert, Benjamin Atticus,
and Ethan on my lap.
The choices of education are difficult, that's certain. I'm facing them myself. However, I find the opposite about higher grades - less is required of me as teacher and more is delegated to the student as learner.
I posted a comment to you 2 posts down - so don't forget to read it! Yes its OK to want a break! I think it would be abnormal to not want a break:) Having 2 girls myself, I cannot imagine what it is like hs'ing 3 boys (ok, the image of wild monkeys jumping off of the couch comes to mind, LOL). It must be exhausting!
...in a perfect world, with a self-propelled student. :)
I'm being a smartie but I understand where you're coming from with that.
All of us deserve a break. Homeschooling moms aren't given credit for all that goes into it all lol.
We didn't start homeschooling for religious reasons either, but for the same reasons you did. We just felt that God helped us make the decision easier. Stephanie is going back to school next year, and who knows what will happen as time goes by with Sierra and Savannah. You have done an outstanding job with your kids and now it is time for you to sit back and enjoy it all.
Love you,
First of all what a beautiful picture! I'm sure it is a very difficult decision and I'll pray that there's a smooth transition for all of you! You have done a wonderful job so far and you will continue to be one of those homeschoolers that I look up to :)
I love your blog, Robyn!
Is it okay if I add it to my sidebar?
You know I feel about the new chapter in your life! I have great respect for you...and admire your willingness to redirect the sails for your family!
Looking forward to reading more good stuff from you!
Love You,
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