Ok, part of this blog is to work toward my own personal enlightenment which entails taking care of my temple. The body temple that is, well, the home temple too but I'll deal with that in a later installment. We were blessed with a Wii and a Wii Fit for Christmas which has sparked me to get on the ball in terms of exercising and eating better. I went off sugar at the start of the year and although I've cheated a couple times my intake has greatly reduced. Amen. I have done the Wii fit exercises and started doing my Karen Voight workout DVDs again. So far I'm 6 pounds lighter according to my weigh-in this morning. My biggest challenge still is to DRINK MORE WATER! Seriously, I'm just curious how much water people actually drink a day. That doesn't mean tea, or coffee, or fountain drinks. That means good old fashion out of the tap water, or ok bottled water for those not-so-environmentally-friendly or toxin-paranoid. I try to but even when I bring a bottle (refilled from the tap) with me I never seem to drink it. It's just an accessory. I maybe get one good glass in a day. My youngest, Ethan, drinks it exclusively, over juice, milk, or pop. Did that gene come from me? So log in folks, and be honest, my inquiring mind needs to know.
Gold Broker Reviews 2025
1 week ago
This may seem silly, but when I drink water, I usually do it through a straw. For some reason, I drink more of it and more often that way.
I wanna Wii Fit lol.
p.s. Love my flair!!!
I don't drink nearly enough... mostly just at dinner. You'd think being home all day, everyday..it would be an non-issue.
Thanks for the reminder...I think I'll forgo my 2nd cup of instant coffee and opt for ice water.
ice, ice baby!
I aim for (and most days manage) at least eight - 8 oz glasses. I use a 16 oz glass really, so I know if I fill it 4 times, I'm good. Sometimes I only manage 3, but usually I do 4 or 5 (16 oz) glasses. I also usually have 2 coffees and one can of Diet Coke every day. I prefer water with ice, but I don't have any ice lately.
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