For years I've been a homeschooling mom. My oldest is 16 and she was homeschooled from the start up until 9th grade wherein on her own accord she decided it was time for her to enter the public school arena. She hit the ground running and has taken great advantage of the extracurricular programs and courses that are in line with her interests. It made me realize how many great opportunities are available through the public and private schools that are so challenging to recreate in a homeschool environment. My three sons, 11, 8 and 7 I have continued to homeschool but I am coming to the end of my run. This year I feel the annointing has finally run its course and I need to put the boys into a formal school setting so as to have more time to pursue other avenues in my life, primarily in regards to employment and development of my own self-interests. Although my husband had taveled for many years for work there were a lot of times that he was home with us and helped share the tasks of meals and lessons but now that he has a "regular" job and is gone from Monday to Friday every week I realize that I can not continue this pace alone. I am spread to thin and not being much good for anybody. For many months now I've been praying about this major life change and have had ongoing discussions with the children, my husband and other supportive family members. I have resigned myself to the idea of taking at least a year off of co-ordinating or "being in charge" of anything other than trying to earn some money. Although I've never been one for going along with the crowd, I've always had respect for those that are team players and feel it is important for my boys to be team players as well but without loosing their individuality. I believe they will have many positive influences and opportunities in this new educational environment that will benefit them personally and the overall pursuit of happiness for our entire family. With God's grace we forge ahead.
Gold Broker Reviews 2025
1 week ago
God bless you, Robyn, for hs'ing your kids for as long as you have! It's not easy. You have my awe:) There are seasons for everything in our lives, and those seasons always have their end. I hope that the end of "this" season is peaceful. And may the "next" season be a blessing to each of you!
I know you have done a wonderful job with the kids, they are smart, and very well mannered, but I am glad that you have made this decision, I think the boys will benefit from it, and I am sure it will be good for you to take a break too, we all need time to find ourselves, so good luck, and I pray all will go well with the transition. It will be hard on you and the boys for a few months, but you have been through so much already, I know you can handle it.
Your Mother-Inlaw, Genny
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