What a difference a year makes! Last year, the Bad Axe meet was Fox's first ever, the goal was just to finish the course without walking. He came through the shoot third from last. This year out of 30 junior high boys running, he came in 7th Place. Medals were given out to the top ten runners. Guess all that running around the trails all summer is paying off, not to mention he grew a foot and has more of a height advantage now. He seemed to tower over many of the competition. Great job buddy!! Tonight he'll run at the home meet, last season it was the only race he medaled in.
Ben also had his first soccer game Sunday but unfortunately we had to divided and conquer so I did not get to witness the game. They lost 5 to 4 but gave 'em a good fight. Hopfully things will run a bit smoother as the season goes on. Rob said they started late and the coach had to ref, which is always hard.

Alex is going to get lucky with book costs, one class doesn't have a book at all, math is just a paperback and not so expensive, one she can get as a download, so there's only History she has to find out about. Lucky girl.
I'm continuing the 2 Timothy challenge. Had a funny thought after reading one day, a total 'Family Guy' moment. In the address it infers Timothy is Paul's son. I'm curious how old is he at the time and what was he really thinking about his dad? I pictured a 20 something guy reading this letter, thinking, 'Dad's in jail again, for crying out loud! When is he ever going to just shut up about this Jesus dude already! What a crack pot!"
A merry heart is good like a medicine!

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