The forms are filled out, the classes are set, open houses attended, and we're on our way!

Everything went well for the boys during the school day so far, the biggest glitch has been the bus pick-up. With one entire school changing runs there are to say the least a few snags in the program. Not to mention losing the head of transportation during the summer and a new person in place, bless his heart. Ethan's driver was so far off schedule (30 minutes late) I ended up driving him up to school. The second day the driver for the first run came so soon we missed her! Then I find out someone called the bus garage impersonating me and said that Fox will not be riding the bus at all and to cancel his pick-up. What! Myself and the poor woman at the garage were confounded and a bit scared. The weird thing is I called about them not being picked up just moments after the bogus call was placed. (cue Twilight Zone music). Alex had her first class last night, two more tomorrow, plus lots of hours at the BK.
Mr. Ben is one happy 5th grader, except for a small exception. He has made it perfectly clear he is not into missing his special classes (art, computer, gym) all year just to be in band. No way, no how! So we had some discussion and came to a bit of an impass. I'll not require him to do band until Middle School but we'll get him back into lessons to keep him up to speed. He probably knows all the notes and rhythm they'll cover this year so I'm not to concerned. It would be different if he was playing a wind instrument but with drums it's a little easier to play catch up or even keep up. Got yer back, Ben man!
A peek through the fence at the after practice coach chat while I was waiting to pick up Fox. Ben's soccer practices have been going great too, he really got an awesome coach this year and the uniforms are super cool! I think they should call themselves the Grasshoppers because they're green, black and yellow.
Below is another peek at Mr. Ethan heading into school on the first day for his last year in elementary. It seems that since the ceiling has been broken with Alex graduating it will only be a blip in time before this one is commencing.
We've been given a challenge by our P&W leaders to read 2 Timothy everyday for the next 40 days along with fasting something. I'll be honest, I'm sort of creatively fasting, something different everyday and then maybe changing it up to a week. It's still hard but not as much. Anyway I finally got to reading late last night and the scripture that stood out to me on the first read was "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (1:7) and " And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. " (4:18) I love that it states SHALL deliver me, not might, not maybe, not if you do thus and thus and so and so you will be delivered. It just is without a doubt. Praise God because I need to be delivered from myself, my own thoughts, my own doubts. I recently met with a counselor to possibly confide in regularly. After briefly explaining "what's been up" she asked me if I was mad at God because my mom died. "No, I'm not mad at God at all. He worked mightily along the way on her behalf. I'm mad at people and how stupid things got among us." I know what you're thinking, so don't even go there cuz I'll go first.....forgiveness. I'm working on it. It's a process. "Grace, mercy and peace" (1:2) to you.
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