Well Rob and I got out for a weekly walk for the first time in forever a couple weekends ago. Just went down a dirt road near the house, didn't go for long because rain was coming, felt a few sprinkles on the way back. Things have been rough, I emotionally bottomed out after the last run to mom's house, I'm now taking a regimen of multi vitamin, B-Complex and St. John's Wort it's helping me over the hump but I don't feel 100% at all. This too shall pass.

Ethan started Junior Golf Academy with week!
And Ben and Ethan are both doing swim lessons in Imlay City.

This is just a cute pix I took real quick of all the kids chillin' on the couch watching some Disney show, they love iCarly, Suite Life, Cloudy with a Chance, and Victorious. There won't be many times like this once Alex heads off to school so I've got to snap 'em when I can.
Stuffed mushrooms from the kitchen!! Used some leftover spinach dip, some bread crumbs, the stems from the mushrooms, and some parmesan cheese. Yum!! One of Ben's favorites!
Working on winning back the yard. The grass in some sections is waaaayyy high. Rob finally broke down and bought a new weed whip. Out with the old in with the new. He made that thing work for a good long time.
Ethan started Junior Golf Academy with week!
For the next couple weeks I'll be working a Creative Arts Camp in Rochester at the Paint Creek Center for the Arts....more details to follow!
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