Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Pre ceremony snap of Alex, little brother Ethan, fellow NBHS classmates Nicole and Dakota (red shirt) who were ushering the big event, and A.J. a friend from the Lansing area who was kind enough to make the trip over to support her during this special event.
The gymnasium was a bit warm but it could have been worse, thankfully it rained all day and cooled things down a bit. We were impressed by the percentage of the class that graduated with honors, it was encouraging to see. After the ceremony the seniors were bussed over to the Rec Center in Lapeer for Project Graduation, an all-night party. Alex had a good time but as expected was exhausted the next day and she had to work at BK to boot.

Looks like we made it! Well, Rob almost didn't - the car died on him on the way back from Westland but thankfully his parents hooked him up with some wheels to get him back to North Branch for the night. What, is that somewhat of a smile I see on his face?

Also last week was the Junior High Boys' Track Banquet. Most of the medals went to 8th grade runners but it was good for Fox to see them get recognized, hopefully it will inspire him to up his game next year. He did get a certificate for being a Scholar Athlete which was nice. The coach was very happy about how many of the team kept their grades at 3.2 or above as well as improving their performances on the track and field. It was low key but a very nice event.

Friday the two choirs I've been working with, the Ruth Fox Choice Time Choir and the NBE After School Chorus presented their songs mostly to parents and grandparents. They did a nice job although the sound system in the elementary gym is not conducive to choral performance. The speakers are way out in the gym and there are no monitors on stage so they had a hard time hearing the accompaniment and kept rushing the tempos. All in all it went well and several parents made a point to thank me for my time and express their children's delight in being in choir. I'd like to do it again next year but be done before the end of the year craziness. There is so much happening in the last few weeks of school with sports, awards nights, performances, etc. things start to overlap way too much. I'm thinking October to February would be good.

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