Friday, May 29, 2009
Last May Fill-In

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Humpty meme

My friend Penny had this on her blog and I haven't done a Meme since the first one I did so here I go with a hump day meme:
1. What are your current obsessions? Recycling, getting the house organized/decluttered, and trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up
2. Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often? The comfy stuff, sweats and t-shirts
3. What was your favorite childhood meal? Tacos with homemade shells & fresh fruit salad on the side
4. Last thing you bought? Besides groceries? – I splurged on some make-up, storage boxes, and my passport.
5. What are you listening to? Bullfrogs, birds, and bugs outside my window
6. If you were a god/goddess who would you be? No one, to much responsibility for me, besides I don’t want to be put on a pedestal high enough for people to see up my dress
7. Favorite holiday spots? I only tolerate holidays and none would fall under the favorite category
8. Reading right now? Love Child by Allegra Huston and various books about recycling and other green efforts
9. Four words to describe you? Creative, Divergent, Explosive, Vertically-Challenged
10. Guilty pleasure? My ‘smut’ magazines: InTouch, People, Us Weekly
11. Who or what makes you laugh until you’re weak? Usually something dorky that the kids or animals do or some off-handed joke
12. Favorite thing to do? Using my artistic wiles and getting kids to sing or dance
13. Planning to travel to next? Nothing planned at the moment but hoping to have a chance to use my passport soon
14. Best thing you ate or drank lately? Had some perfect pasta salad on Monday, noodles cooked just right, good add-ins, and not too much dressing (Shout out to June!)
15. When did you last get tipsy? none-yuz!
16. Favorite ever film? To Kill a Mockingbird
17. Care to share some wisdom? Don’t put metal in the microwave!
18. Song you can’t get out of your head? “I’ve Been Redeemed” & “I Feel Good”
19. What one object would you save from a house fire? I don’t know if there is an object I would really care about, maybe pictures. I’d just want my family safe.
20. What is your aim in life? Live long, live free, keep peace
Ben had a soccer game last night, it had been over a week since the team played and a little longer than that for Ben since he missed because of the Chess Tournament. They won that one 3-1 I think. The sky was relatively sunny when we arrived but got it got gloomier and colder as the game went on. Overall everyone played pretty well, Ben got in for part of the first half. Gramma and Grandpa Parton surprised us and showed up for the game. Silly me, I should have took a picture of them! Our goalie wasn't quite up to snuf and let two in although the defenders were trying to do their job. The Lapeer goalie was pretty good and didn't let much past him, but we managed to sneak in two and end with a tie score. Last game on Saturday and its an early one!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What a Weekend!

On Monday, the kids and I headed down to my Dad's house for some BBQ and games while Rob got the garage cleaned up, and did some resting himself. It was a wonderful surprise to see my sister Colette there too; home from New York City for the week since my cousin is getting married on Saturday. After a fabulous meal we all walked over to the neighborhood playscape, then around the 'hood.' We had lots of giggles, drama, play wars, photography sessions, and just an all-around good time being in the summer sun. But probably one of the most exciting announcements is ....
drum roll please.......
Alex got a job at the Lapeer Burger King so she'll be making sure you "Have It Your Way" and get some hot fries with your shake as soon as her work clothes arrive and they put her on the schedule, probably sometime next week.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Fill-In - Recycle Center

Here is how I have my recycling organized for the moment. All types of plastic bags go in the top drawer, flattened product boxes go in the bottom drawer. Small paper scraps and food packaging go in the plastic basket to mix into compost. Items that our recycling takes go in the paper bag to be taken out to the garage for sorting (boys' job), the blue plastic basket makes for easier carrying and allows the paper bag to last longer. 4/5/6 plastics are in the recepticle behind, these are usually smaller, tops mostly and some containers. For food waste there are two levels, one for scraps the chickens can eat, basically anything except meat, pits, and bones. Then the other is for mostly meat scraps, bones, rinds, thick stalks, and pits.
The most challenging thing now is to get the family trained. For the past couple weeks I started reminding the kids that more things can go in recycling but I still 'rescued' a lot of things. They are getting better. This week I made the bold move and "took away" the main garbage. Rather I moved it to a different location so you have to think before you throw away and see if it can go in one of these other categories first. I also reused a large dog food bag in the 'not recyclable' garbage. My cousin (Shout out to Megan!) has been an inspiration to me by not buying regular garbage bags AT ALL. She only reuses store bags and large bags from purchased products. So there you have the basics for now, I have more to comment but must run to get ready for sub-teaching today.
Happy Memorial Weekend All!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Concert - Rocket - Interview
Tuesday evening we had the pleasure of attending Fox's first band concert with the 5th and 6th graders playing four selections each. Our favorites were the Popcorn Song that the 5th graders did with each section "popping" up to play their parts and the final song by the 6th grade "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown."
Alexandra hung out with Ethan at his ball game Tuesday night since both events were at the same time. Ray C's team lost again but at least they brought in 4 runs this time. Forgot to mentioned that Saturday I took the boys up to Independence Bank in North Branch so they could all open their own saving account. Hopefully this will cut down on the mysterious disappearing funds from around the house. Another project Fox has been working on is a bottle
Alex worked at the Frontslide Youth Annual Golf Fundraiser Saturday and is delighted to be going in for an interview at Burger King tomorrow afternoon. Say a prayer that she receives divine favor as she is hoping to start earning toward her college tuition.
Got Benjamin signed up to play AYSO Soccer starting next Fall and then spring. I really liked the lady who is the current registrar and was excited to learn I also already know her replacement (Shout out to Lisa!). Since each parent is requested to volunteer I signed up to learn how to referee (this should be a hoot) and also to help with the newsletter if needed. No, I'm not going to be in charge, just helping! Today I subbed for half a day in a regular 6th grade class (Yikes!) and tomorrow I will sub for one of the band teachers again.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Trippin' the Light Fantastic

Friday, May 15, 2009
Chess News & Fill-In

1. I believe whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Baseball Opener

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mom Day Walk & Meal

Saturday, May 09, 2009
And the Winner is...

Today we did a divide and conquer. Rob took Benny to his soccer game and then went to Home Depot to do some pricing for our up-coming roof project. Ben played for about half the game and "was more aggressive this time." The team won against the Lapeer Swordfish 3-2 giving them a 3-1 record so far. I took Ethan up to North Branch for his baseball pictures and was happily surprised that they went with a local photographer mom to do the shots this year and her pricing was incredibly low! Finally got the game schedule, their Opener will be this Tuesday @ 6:30pm and since there are only six teams we really have no 'byes' except for the Friday before Memorial Day. So every Tuesday and Friday until June 23rd you know where we'll be!
Friday, May 08, 2009
Fantastic Friday!
Other Stuff: Didn’t post much this week. Was enjoying decluttering inside the house and putzing outside with mowing, raking, and weeding. Also I finally applied for my Passport which I’ve been threatening to do for the last two years. Maybe I’ll get a chance to use it before the year is out! Got my first check from substitute teaching!!
Ben was awarded a prize of no homework for the week because he got the Super Reader Award for April since he read the most pages out of the entire class- 1,571 total! Had a soccer game Tuesday after school but again he barely played. They lost 2-0 against a Lapeer team. He has been really bugging me to get a bank account lately. His class did a unit on economics and the kids were given a certificate from Independence Bank that if they open an account the bank will give them $5. That was all Ben needed to hear!
Ethan’s spelling grades have been rising, he got an A one week, then a C, prior to that all his marks were E. He starting to excel with the Rocket Math and his reading is fabulous, he’s already moved up a group. His journal writing is greatly improved as well although he informs me she never actually looks at their journal notebooks. Next week baseball games will start.
Alex had an orthodontist appointment this week and was excited that the doctor thinks she is ahead of schedule. We’re hoping she can do Senior Pictures sans the braces. We’ll know better in a couple more appointments. Last Friday was Prom. I’m still waiting to see pictures! They had fun but she said overall is was really sort of dumb. And I correct myself; it wasn’t on a boat but rather at a golf course. Oooo, that was worth driving to Port Huron for since we don’t have any around here….. ?? Last night was the Forensic Club "Night of the Stars" and I finally got to see her piece she's been using all year. It was good, emotional, but good. She earned her Letter in Forensics too, not sure if she is into getting a Varsity jacket or not yet. Goal for next year...make it to States! Below is a picture of most of the North Branch Forensics Team for Year 4. Sorry so small, the camera has been weird lately and the pictures have been coming out blurry.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
Garden Tour May 2009

2) Remember that picture of the chives just popping up after a long winter, well here’s Mama Chive and a couple chivettes!
3) The Hosta section I got cleaned up and added some Astilbes to.
4) Ironically the other Hosta section that I was able to put landscape material and mulch down around last year is not emerging as quickly as the other plot.
5) These plants are barely poking up, perhaps because they were newly transferred last season.
6) Massive Mound of Tarragon
7) Lilacs waiting to bloom
8) I love these spring perennials, although the name escapes me at the moment.
9) A young Lupine, just planted last year, hoping it will flower this summer.
10) Our swamp pond is experiencing some major flooding; I don’t ever remember the water being up this high into the yard before.
I love seeing which perennials are going to spring up each year, since I am a perennial collector of sorts, rarely buying them unless for a fundraiser or crazy markdown-can’t-resist-sale. Whenever I see them leafing up or in full bloom it reminds of the people and places where I acquired the plants from, many have come from aunts, parents, friends, schools, churches, and a few roadsides. Several times when people have moved I was invited to come over and pull whatever I wanted from their garden before the new people came in. I miss those people and visiting their houses but all have moved on to better situations in their lives; a refreshing and comforting recollection.
May your Monday be Merry!
Saturday, May 02, 2009
First Saturday in May

Back at the house the boys did some work for hire: cleaning out the chicken coop they all helped with, Fox did some grass mowing, Ben weeded one of the vegetable plots, Ethan loaded up the weed piles in the wheelbarrow, and Rob worked on the Saturn some more. Me I putzed around with some weeding and am still working on organizing my office. The entire desk/counter of my office is nice and cleared off but now I have to deal with all the piles of junk that are sitting on the office floor!
Alex headed out to pick up her friend and go over another friend's to get ready for Prom. A group of girls are going, out of the six of them only two have dates and they are riding together in two cars, Alex being the driver of one vehicle. The dance is in Port Huron on a boat so she'll be on the freeway and returning at night, but before midnight because neither of the drivers is cleared to be on the road after midnight. She has been instructed to check in at certain points. Lord give me strength and don't let them do any of the stupid crap I did!
Friday, May 01, 2009
Friday Fill-In & Trash Talk

2. I love hot water in the shower.
3. My favorite time of the day is from sun-up to sundown.
4. The last tea I drank was Celestial Seasoning's Tension Tamer.
5. I like to trail ride and garden in the Summer.
6. My mother always said a lot of things I never really took to heart.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to having Rob return safely from his weeklong extravaganza to Canada, tomorrow my plans include soccer, gardening, Prom for Alexandra and Sunday, I want to call it all good!