Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Latest Projects

Sunday I had some time to get outside and do a little garden work. My mother gave me some Astilbes that she didn't want in her garden anymore so I planted them among my hostas, of course it was crying out to be weeded and hoed so I got one whole area looking dapper. Many of the hostas are already poking up from the ground and some even have their leaves opened up! After this endeavor I was inspired to finally get some seedlings planted. I used an idea from my friend Michelle's blog http://smilewinknod.blogspot.com using toilet paper rolls as planting cups I set in some sweet red pepper seeds that I propogated myself. Don't be too impressed you just leave the top of the pepper out to dry until the seeds fall off, it's really not difficult.

Also, with all the photo collaging I've been doing, mixed with my contemplation of what I love to do for free, I began the process of creating my regular magazine collages which I used to do a lot of in my early twenties. It is very cathartic for me. The last several weeks while I watched shows or movies at night I would sit and cut out pictures to use. Sunday night I actually started putting together a couple basic layouts. Things on the homefront are moving right along. Rob is in Canada (finally) doing a couple jobs, one outside of Toronto and the other in Windsor. I am taking advantage of the hi-speed Internet connection at the church to get my distributor verification project finished, hopefully this week. Alexandra is working for me on another project pulling data so I can write entries later since she has not been blessed with a 'regular' job yet. And we've had a new arrival on the Parton side, Rob's cousin RJ and his wife Keagan welcomed their third daughter into the world this week (via C-section), still haven't found out the name yet.

Remember to run between the raindrops!


MICHELE said...

Hey Byn-

I am drooling over your art work! What a great "creative-energy releaser!" Are you planning on framing them?

Glad you're using the t.p rolls for seed starters...I did peas and the mini-greenhouse and t.p rolls worked beautifully!!!!

I'm trying to harvest lime basil and spearmint... not easy.

Hugs and Miss you- Mich

Lisa said...

Sounds like you're keeping plenty busy!

Melissa said...

Hey, Robyn! It's Melissa Wagner. Today I googled "robyn parton north branch MI" and look what I found! I knew Alex was in school, but I had a very strong feeling the boys were too. Just took a quick look but haven't read it yet. E-mail me at wagmel@aol.com. Ave's in school, too.