Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Friday!!

1. Contact may cause dizziness.
2. The parties hereto do mutually agree to work it out come hell or high water.
3. Disney parks are so bloody expensive.
4. A full body massage sounds really good right about now!
5. I positively must get my office organized.
6. A crescent moon always makes me smile :-)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Ethan’s first baseball practice, tomorrow my plans include hearing those mowers roaring (once Rob gets ‘em running) and Sunday, I want to have a date with my husband!

Crescent Moon Over the East End Cemetery
©2009 Elizabeth Fraser


Doshii said...

hehe you are a good sport
i understand what you mean... im studying to be a primary school teacher whilst helping raise my little brother

MICHELE said...

Hi Friend,
I've enjoyed catching up on your blog.

Miss seeing you.

Your Pal, Mich.