Tuesday, September 24, 2013

iGet Sticky

Outside my Window: Morning darkness with a lines of fog as the sun begins to lift into the sky while the moon still glows. At least it was when I started to write this post.  Now, the sun is shining and the birds are singing but the air remains slightly chilly.

What's on my Mind: Simplicity.  Back to basics.  Cash Only.  We've been working towards this for many years and it has started to become second nature.  I'm glad.

Thankful for: A great place to work.  I've really been enjoying my days at Honeyflow Farm, meeting people from different countries, talking with people from the U.S. that are nutritionally and environmentally aware, being in the good outdoors, learning a new skill, working with my oldest son.

Creative Endeavors: I've been bringing a composition notebook to work, and write for a second when there's a lull.  Started to brainstorm ideas for this year's NaNoWriMo story.  Might cheat a bit and pull out an idea I started a couple years ago but stalled on and go for a finish.  But I have a couple fresh ideas that intrigue me as well..... oh, the possibilities!

Latest Project: DECLUTTERING Still.......

My 3 Sons: Enjoying their school routine, classes, and sports.  Right now they are keeping it all As, have been checking their own status and reporting to me before I've even gone and checked!  Wink, smile, nudge.  What's up with that?  Hope it sticks.

Ethan is in Drama class 6th hour and goes over to the high school building for it, interested to see what their final production will be.

Ben has started soccer practices, so far it has worked out with cross country, no problem.  Haven't gotten the game schedule yet.

Fox is having a decent running season coming through pain free at the end of races.  He also is working Sundays with me at Honeyflow. 

Sunny day at the Lapeer County Meet!  Fox just finished running and Ben and Ethan were waiting for the middle school race.  Ben medaled. They all had good times on a tough course.

The first Born: Workin, workin, workin' day and night!  I'm guaranteed at least one check in a month when she makes her car insurance payment!

Employment News: Interview tomorrow.......

Hoping to Improve:  Continued fresh eating into winter.

Food for Thought:  The food you eat that is grown closer to you, locally, has more nutritional value than food produced farther away.  The farther away, and the more processing involved, the less nutrition it holds.

Last Words:  

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