What's on my Mind: End of the school year activities: Spring Sports Banquet, 6th Grade Graduation, Middle School Honors NIght, wondering if Ethan will make All-Stars, and booking a variety of appointments for all.
Thankful for: A fun day at the Feast of Ste Clair with the boys and my good friend and avid history buff. It was a beautiful day and we learned a lot as we made our way through the encampments and amid the traders. Ethan tried weaving on a small loom. I was impressed by the officer's quarters. Ben blew some of his hard earned money on some homemake cream soda that was yummy. I sprung for the refill so we could try the homemade rootbeer. It was also scrumptious, we brought it home and made floats! There was great music: drum and fife core, Native American, string ensembles, a men's acapella group, and more but the highlight of the day was the battle reenactment. Very well done with the British, French and Colonists. I took tons of photos but I'll only share a few here.
Creative Endeavors: ???
Lastest Project: Still working on gardens. Fox helped today and we cleared out the Herb Garden, I severely divided back the Tarragon, rediscovered the Garlic Chives and plain Chives, planted French Thyme, and some Dill. Putting a salsa bed in by the herbs, planted tomato plants and seeded in peppers that we propagated ourselves. Alex stopped by with some girlfriends and they helped me get the Veggie Garden in: two rows of Davers Carrot, three rows of Blue Lake Bush Beans, a row of beets, a thick row of Swiss Chard, a row of Edamame, four rows of Super Sweet Corn, and five mounds of Tricolor Zucchini. Need to find a place for some pie pumpkins and watermelons also.
My 3 Sons: Fox got the results from his x-rays and there is no tearing on the tibia, fibia or anywhere at the knees. Recommendation is better shoes and a script for Ibuprophen 600. He is running very little right now, taking the meds, and icing his legs to recover before our school's Cross Country Camp. He has different shoes and some really good insoles which have been helping. Theory is that the problem stemmed from him trying out 0 lift shoes during his winter training....not a good thing for his pronating feet. Hopefully he's on the mend and back on track.
Ben will be going on his class trip to Lansing this week. I am not chaperoning this one but will be subbing that day. Soccer is done and we're lightly discussing how we should proceed for next year but no decisions have been made yet.
Ethan has a few more baseball games left and on Sunday we will be going to a Loon's game in Midland. Grades are looking good, all As except for Math which is at a B but he's thinking with these last few grades he can make it an A. He just learned how to do showmanship at rabbit club and is supposed to be working with his bunnies. Bugsy is a real poser as you can see.
The first Born: Alex has gone complete vegan and her boyfriend is now vegetarian. It is extremely restrictive, I don't totally get it but wish her good luck.
Employment News: I've been subbing a lot lately and have resigned myself to the idea that this is the best work situation for me right now. It is nice to be able to bring the boys up to school or home after with me and also to stay in the loop with what's going on in their schools and classes. The only bummer is no pay in the summer but I can always supplement with things as I've always done. Still open to a new situation should it present itself.
Hoping to Improve: Not being so crazy throughout the summer, having just the right amount of down time and busyness.
Food for Thought: When nutritious food feels satisfying and exercise feels like play, there will be no soldiers left in the battle of the bulge. ~Ten Habits of Naturally Slim People
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